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AnimFollow is a script that makes a ragdoll follow an animation.Any game with this type of technology seems to get a lot of attention e.g. Clumsy ninja, gtav or overgrowth. I have read several post saying this is about to hit and that they are understandably eager to be among the pioneers of this technology. Since this technology is still quite rare, even small improvements on canned animations are likely to be a huge advantage in getting the game noticed.I started developing this system because I was sincerely bugged by shooters where enemies showed no signs of being hit until the final killing shot. So I made this system where it is easy to make the enemy have partial ragdoll effects without dying. This asset is mainly a script (AnimFollow) that makes a ragdoll mimic an animation.

It is done with forces and the strength of the forces can be adjusted in realtime. Animfollow is to strong by itself and therefore a RagdollControl script is needed to adjust the strengths to the context and tell the animator what to do when the ragdoll is for example knocked out. Cool fighting is certainly possible but requires a custom fighting controller. You will have to modify or replace the included controller to suit your team´s desires. Here is a small example of what it could look like. Hello angelmThere are get up animations included in the package.

The animator in the example scene shows how to set them up for the included RagdollControl script. So everything is included to get your character to behave like in the first demo video. If you want something else or if you are not using mecanim some modifications are required to the RagdollControl script. The AnimFollow script is likely to work straight away. You can use your own animator and add the get up states like in the example scene. You may also use your own get up animations if you so desire.Please ask more questions if you have them.

Hello Kavorka,I get the following error when the stand up animation is supposed to be played:Parameter type 'Hash -702002093' does not match.UnityEngine.Animator:SetBool(Int32, Boolean)I'm trying to get the example scene to run and I'm not sure what information to get out of the warning as the hashes in the HashesIDs script seem to be fine.By the way, a very nice project and thanks for thatGreetingsPS: What I have done:- Loaded the example 'scene1'- Put the DonePlayerAnimator to Animator of EthanMaster- Hit play-button- Running around - falling down - warning. Hello McGravityThanks for purchasing AnimFollow. I am very pleased you like the project.

I am sorry to hear that you are having a problem. I tried but can not duplicate your problem and none of the other customers have reported any problems. I am not sure why you added the DonePlayerAnimator to EthanMaster, that should not be required. I have had all kinds of errors during the development but I have never seen this.

Would you please try to: start a new project, import AnimFollow, double click on scene1, hit play button. I will absolutely do everything I can to help you get past this problem. Tell me why you were compelled to add the animator. Try from fresh without doing anything other than load scene1 and hit play.Best of luck. Hello aspire9I believe that would be a Sisyphean task. I believe the developers want their own unique solution and that it would be a work with no end to do a system that comprises all possible uses of semi-procedural animations.

I aim to help and support development of custom solutions. If customer feedback signals that the product is lacking some crucial feature I will update with such a feature. I encourage developers to sell their custom ragdoll controls but I would be very put out if someone sold a copied or modified AnimFollow script.I plan to support my customers. Hello aspire9I believe that would be a Sisyphean task. I believe the developers want their own unique solution and that it would be a work with no end to do a system that comprises all possible uses of semi-procedural animations.

I aim to help and support development of custom solutions. If customer feedback signals that the product is lacking some crucial feature I will update with such a feature. I encourage developers to sell their custom ragdoll controls but I would be very put out if someone sold a copied or modified AnimFollow script.I plan to support my customers. Hello VeloI am happy you find this cool and amusing. You don't even need a death animation to make it ragdoll like in the video, but if you want to add some flare to your death so that it is not just a canned death animation nor just the standard ragdoll death you can make any mixture of the two.

This asset makes it easy to have partial ragdoll effects. You can make the ragdoll follow the animation weakly so that it tries to follow the animation but at the same time is affected by physics.You can make the whole ragdoll weak or just the limbs you want, for example an arm, a leg or the head. The included ragdoll control is an example of how to lerp strength on and off. When the ragdoll collides the ragdoll controll leaves some residual strength in the ragdoll so that it tries to follow the animation for a short while. During this period it is possible (with a little bit of work) to play your death animation of choice to make your death half ragdoll, half death animation. There are also three types of strengths so that you can customize the ragdolls response exactly to your liking.I have been very careful not to promise to much in my marketing because I know some of what is possible will take some skill and persistence to pull of. But I have been secretly hoping that the community will recognise this as an opportunity to take semi-procedural animations to the next level.

If someone launched a game with this technology, would it not be very likely to get some publicity? I plan to first use this to have my enemies in a shooter react to hits even if they are just hurt.

The AnimFollow script is not just for humanoids, It is easily adapted to spiders or machines.I tried 40 characters in a scene and got around 50 fps. Some models will require more some less, I am afraid 200 characters are too many. My advice is: don't make it big, make it good. I will very soon release a foot IK for bipeds that will work with AnimFollow. This is such an amazing tool, i'm having so much fun playing with it and imagining the possibilities. Works solid and clean.

Really captures the tension between the character responding to its environment vs. The character asserting its mecanim willpower.just so i understand, I'm trying to integrate animfollow with other IK tools.

Does the order matter in which animfollow evaluates the master's transforms? For example if i am also applying IK calculations? Does it have to be within fixedupdate to avoid the parkinson shakes when applying additional constraints to the master?thank you for paving the way forward!! Thank you for the kind words, I am very pleased that you appreciate its potential.AnimFollow makes the ragdoll follow the master´s animations. If you Use IK on the master it is important that the Animfollow script executes after the IK so that the ragdoll mimics the correct pose. When I use IK with AnimFollow I run the IK script in FixedUpdate and call AnimFollow as a method from the IK script after the IK constrains are set.

I have a foot IK pending release in the asset store. The foot IK is drag and drop for most biped characters, both mecanim and legacy.

It also works with AnimFollow. I explain a little about it in. If you have a problem, I will help you fix it.


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There is an issue with mesh distortion, in the neck area, during the get-up animations. I ignored this earlier because I thought the big collar of the Ethan character was the culprit. After receiving angry feedback about it I took a closer look and found it is visible on some other models also. It only appears during the get-up animations. I am working on finding why this, is and how to fix it. I will also tune the get-up animations to be a little smoother.

I apologize for this oversight and will prioritize to have an update out as promptly as possible. OK, Then I know what is wrong. Email me on, the address is And I will talk you through it.The second warning indicates that you have also added the RagdollControl which requires an animator and PlayerMovement script like the ones in the example scene.The first warning is because when you made the ragdoll you changed something in the transform hierarchy. The ragdoll must have exaclty the same hierarchy as the master (or we need to do some tricks ).Study how the original example scene is set up.

Active Dolls Full Version Free Download

Active Dolls Full Free Download

Make the AnimFollow work first before you add the RagdollControl. And email me!Edit: I see you solved it, good work.