How To Delete Memory Dump Files Windows 10

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How to delete memory dump files windows 10 7zsocao

As soon as the BSOD screen is displayed, Windows dumps the information about the crash from the memory to a small file called “MiniDump” which is generally saved in the Windows folder. And this.dmp files can help you troubleshoot the cause of the error, but for that, you need to analyze the dump file. Google earth offline map. This is where it gets tricky, Windows doesn’t any pre-installed tool to analyze this memory dump file.Now there are various tool which can help you debug the.dmp file but we are going to talk about two tools which are BlueScreenView and Windows Debugger tools.

Delete Dump Files Windows 10

The BlueScreenView can be used to quickly analyze what went wrong with the PC and the Windows Debugger tool can be used to get more advanced information. So without wasting any time let’s see How to Read Memory Dump Files in Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed guide. Method 1: Analyze Memory Dump Files using BlueScreenView1.From according to your version of Windows.2.Extract the zip file you download and then double-click on BlueScreenView.exe to run the application.3.The program will automatically search for the MiniDump files at the default location which is C:WindowsMinidump.4.Now if you want to analyze a particular.dmp file then just drag and drop that file to BlueScreenView application and the program will read the minidump file easily.5.You will see the following information at the top of the BlueScreenView:.

Delete Memory Dump File

The name of the Minidump file: 00-01.dmp. 6.Type the following command into cmd and hit Enter:cdProgram Files (x86)Windows Kits10Debuggersx64Note: Specify the correct installation of the WinDBG program.7.Now once you’re inside the correct directory type the following command in order to associate WinDBG with.dmp files:windbg.exe -IA8.As soon as you enter the above command, a new blank instance of WinDBG will open with a confirmation notice which you can close.9.Type windbg in Windows Search then click on WinDbg (X64).10.In the WinDBG panel click on File then select Symbol File Path.

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15.Also, the next.dmp file is processed, it will be quicker as it will have already downloaded the required symbols. Over time the C:Symcache folder will grow in size as more symbols are added.16.Press Ctrl + F to open Find then type “ Probably caused by” (without quotes) and hit Enter. This is the quickest way to find what caused the crash.17.Above the Probably caused by line you will see a BugCheck code eg: 0x9F. Use this code and visit for verifying the bug check refer.Recommended:.That’s it you have successfully learned How to Read Memory Dump Files in Windows 10 but if you still have any queries regarding this post then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.