Dragon Age Origins Mage Tower

Posted by admin

I'm having a problem with this gameEven on easy the game is just too hard to allow you to advance without multiple retries. Every single time I get into a major fight especially against elite troops I will probadly die atleast once. The only way I can get through most fights is to pause every few seconds and spam health potions and when they run out we're dead.What am I doing wrong with this game? Have I built my characters wrong or have them set up incorrectly or should I give up and restart the game.I pretty much stopped playing the game for several months because of this. What party are you using? Besides the bosses it is definitely doable without getting pawned. I always play as a mage that can do area attacks/spells from a large distance, with that you can soften up the targets before you send melee party members in.

If you use the topside view you can move the camera around and see enemies far away so you wont get surprised all the time. If you are exploring inside somewhere and you see a door then open it, but don't go through. Often you will see enemies that have not noticed you yet, and then again use area attacks first. Also be smart with assigning points when you level up, for example a mage needs a good mana pool and magic power, don't waste points on cunning etcetera. You don't always have to use topside view, but topside view helps to peak around corners and rooms you need to enter.

And I highly recommend playing as a mage at the first playthrough, it's easier then with mainly melee units imo. For me it's 2 mages and 2 melee units all the way and the key factor of leveling them up properly of course. When you are a mage you can also choose to get healing powers if you want to and heal the whole party in the middle of the battle and give a weak party member 'lifeward' that auto-heals the member when he/she is running low on life. It's been a long time since I've played this, but here are a few tips:- Use tactic mode (pausing)- Be aware of your surroundings- Have adequate hotkeys for characters and make custom scripts to perform actions- Make sure to have a healer in the group (unless you want to get fancy)- You might also want to have a tank with a sort of aggro in the group if you're having trouble.- Use the environment to your advantage! If there's a door, place your Tank there and have him block access to your other characters.

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Guide

Make sure the tank can hold aggro.- When possible, focus fire on mobs to take them down faster- Ranged characters are dangerous enemies! Suggestions- Complete 'Circle Tower' (Permanent Bonus to Attributes)- Get Wynne (Healer)- Morrigan/Leliana as Ranged Damagers (Recommended)- Sten/Zevran as Melee Damagers- Specializations (Champion, Templar, Reaver, Beserker)- Tactics (Important)-Attributes AllocationIn the game, your character will be able to reach Level 30, not including Awakening. You gain 3 Attribute Points to spend every time you level up. Technically, since you're a Human Noble (Warrior), you begin with:- Strength:15- Dexterity:14- Willpower:10- Magic:11- Cunning:11- Constitution: 13You get five points to distribute upon creating your character.For warriors, specifically tanks, you should be focusing more on strength, willpower, and dexterity.

Strength will determine your damage with weapons and your ability to wear armor. Willpower determines how many spells/skills you'll be able to perform or have active during combat. Constitution is how much hit points you have; the more, the better.You won't need any points into dexterity, unless you want to be able to perform more critical hits and land more attacks.

Dragon Age Origins Mage Tower

Magic only determines the usefulness of potions. No points into cunning, because you gain permanent bonuses to them when completing Circle Tower, allowing you to get the skill 'Coercion.'

-SpecializationsAt level seven and fourteen, you gain the ability to have a specialization. These specializations offer new skills and abilities that will make your character a force to be reckoned with.Champion - The natural born leaders. They buff your teamates and themselves, while wrecking havoc on their enemies. RecommendedTemplar - The mage killers. Basically, use this if you have trouble with spellcasters.Beserker - The warmongers. They deal damage, often going into a beserk status. Recommended.Reaver - The damagers.

They sacrifice health for increased damage output. Use at your own discretion.-Helpful TipsPotion MakingIf you're in desperate need of potions, you can go to the Brecilian Forest to buy Elfroots from Varathorn, then head back to camp and buy Flasks from Bodahn. The two ingredients you bought should be more than sufficient in creating nearly unlimited supplies of Health Potions.I recommend buying a stack of each ingredient. Each stack is ninety-nine items. This should cost you no more than 3-4 Sovereigns (Currency).- 99 Flask- 99 ElfrootMoney ExploitThere is an exploit for making money, but it's a matter of personal preference. If you're interested, you can look up several tutorials on how to do it.-GearBeing a warrior means you have access to the strongest gear!

It's all about organization between armor and fatigue. If you have a massive pool of stamina, then forget about fatigue. Armor protects you, but with increased fatigue. Less armor means less fatigue.Fatigue basically determines how tired your character is when wearing armor. The less tired, the more skills he or she can perform. More fatigue means that your skills will cost more stamina to use.Throughout the game, you will find gear that will alter your abilities and give you bonuses, especially set bonuses.Blood Dragon Armor (Downloadable Content)Juggernaut Armor (Brecilian Forest - The Mage's Treasure)King Cailan's Armor (Return to Ostagar - Downloadable Content) - RecommendedLegion of the Dead Armor (Deep Roads)Wade's Superior Dragonbone Armor (The Mountain Top - Urn of Sacred Ashes, Denerim)There's more types of armor, but I can't remember all of it from the top of my head.

Circle Of Magi Walkthrough

You should find some amulets, rings, and belts. My recommended accessories are:- The Spellward (Party Camp - Bodahn)- Andruil's Blessing (Circle Tower - Quartermaster)- Lifegiver (Orzammar Commons - Garin)- Key to the City (Orzammar - The Key to the City)-Basic Rundown (Beginning)After completing all the begginning quests, head straight to Circle Tower for your first main quest. I recommend doing this one first, because it allows you to obtain Wynne, and permanent bonuses to your attributes.

I won't go into detail and spoil anything for you.During fights, you should learn how to pause and set up tactics for your characters. Never run into a battle head-on, without knowing what you're doing. My suggestions are based solely from personal experience and using the group that I mentioned earlier.Since you're the tank you should have the attention of every enemy, leaving your teamates to take care of them one by one. Always monitor your team's status. For example, an enemy which you will encounter frequently is the Revenant. He has an ability that allows him to pull any character towards him. If he pulls one of your teamates, get them away quickly!Don't be afraid to use potions.

Just talking from my (only) 143 hours experience with this game. Choosing your own character to be a an offensive mage with the addition to stunning spells makes your progress much easier. Especially combined with morrigan (that has at least one maxed area attack spell) you can deal great damage to a clutter of enemies before they even can reach you.My gameplay is for example that my party is exploring a cave system and before every corner I use the topside view and mess around with camera moving it to get the wides view from my character as possible (you have to mess around with rotation and side movement). Doing the camera movement right and you can see far beyond normal third person view. Often I will see a whole group of enemies waiting for me at a large distance. What I do then is move my (mage) character just in range for an area attack with overtime damage and I grab morrigan that also has a maxed out area attack. I pause the game and launch both attacks at the same time.

My character has more area attacks and I often throw a second area attack behind it (while all the anemies are stunned from the initial surprise attack). By the time the enemies reach my party they are almost dead already if they reach my position at all.The only real fighting I do is with bosses and sub/bosses and of courrse those spiders that pop out when they are on top of you, but they are just a mennance anyway. Euro truck simulator 2 bus mods free download 1. Meh, whoever suggested removing Alistar, wtf? He's an amazing cahracter from persoanlity to how good he is, plus having him with you throughout the story is just awesome if you like him;Think you are exaggerating OP, even with a ♥♥♥♥ party you can't lose that much on EASY unless these games are not your thing.

You said you tried it so long ago yet you talk from memories, just play it again and try it on normal. Asking for how to play the game and getting people tell you to start as a mage, remoxe X from party etc, imo kills the game's experience if you don't play the game to immerse yourself into it, progressing on your own, with your own abilities and your own made party.