Surface Tension Half Life

Posted by admin

This save game will put you at the very last scene, right after killing Nihilanth. G-man is offering you to choose between two different endings.(downloads: 3364)INSTRUCTIONS ON USING HALFLIFE SAVED GAMES1.

ClosedSurface tension half life

Download desired Half-Life save game file to your desktop.2. Unrar it using WinRar, WinZip or any similar tool, and you'll get.sav file.

Half Life Surface Tension Ladder

Right click on it and choose copy.3. Navigate to game installation directory and go to valve/SAVE folder. If there is no such a directory, create it.4. Paste previously copied file.4. Start your copy of Half Life and go to the Load Game.

Half Life Surface Tension Hatch Closed

Page Tools.Ooh and aah at the giant complex around you.Potential spies: if you want to get a closer look at some of the stuff you're passing by, jump out the back of the tram onto the rail as soon as you can. Then you can run along the rail and take a longer look at things. You can actually jump on top of the tram as it decends down the first lift.

Half Life 1 Chapters

You might need to quickly press the left and right strafe buttons as you tag behind the tram in order to keep up with it.Episodes.