Rules Of Survival Pc Download

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4.1 (82.22%) 63 votesWhen you spawn in Rules of Survival game, you will become one of 120 players that will be airdropped into a weird island, and from there, your adventure will truly start! While you are being airdropped, you should take a look at the ground below, look at the map then make a decision on where you should descend on. Because you are not armed with any weapons, it’s going to be very difficult for you to roam the locations. Having no weapons is kind of risky since you won’t be able to cope with other enemies. Therefore, after landing on the ground, the first task you must carry out is to search for the weapons.

Normally, they are dispersed around the big buildings, so if you see some, just enter those places to get yourself some weapons, and if you’re lucky, you will even find a certain vehicle, then, use it to move instead of walking, or sprinting.After arming yourself with the collected weapons, you can start exploring around to battle against the enemies. When you catch sight of them, you must shoot them down quickly while protecting yourself. Getting shot will surely cause you to meet your doom, and you will have to restart the game. Hence, you need to use your tactics to deal with the rivals. The game allows you to form a group, so you can make your own one, then, ask other players to join.


Playing as a team will help you guys surpass all dangers, especially when you are having difficulties in fighting with other enemies.In Rules of Survival game, you will come across a safe zone too, which is similar to the zone in PUBG game. The zone doesn’t stay still at all, it keeps getting smaller through over time, meaning the chance for your survival is not high if you get defeated soon. Your main objective is to stay alive in that zone until the very end of the battle, that means there are no survivors left that are survived, and you are the only last person standing. To obtain the goal, you need to play with good strategies!

So don’t forget to prepare some in advance, as well as develop them during the fight. Awesome features in Rules of Survival. It’s up to you to engage in a battle, or if you want to enjoy something peaceful, just dodge the fight.

There are no cheats in the game. How to play Rules of Survival PCAfter launching the game on your PC, the first thing you should learn is to master the controls for the PC version, which are different from the controls in the mobile version. The keys need to installed on the PC, to do so, you need to click Keyboard Control in the emulator.

Select the game from the list to get the default settings. But you are able to configure prior to entering the battle! Below here are basic keys for you to perform the actions!. To move around the locations, you use keys W, A, S, D. To use the bag, you need to press key B.

For shooting at enemies, just click the left mouse button. For taking a leap, just press spacebar. To collect items, just use key Alt. To switch between the weapons, just press keys 1, 2, 3.

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And for viewing the map, just hold the Caps Lock buttonNote: You need to ensure that you already play the game on your mobile device if you want to enjoy this PC version. Rules of Survival for Mobile How to download and play Rules of Survival.

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Download Rules of Survival game from your App store, install it on your mobile device, then go launch it. When you are on the main screen, you need to give your character a nickname, then tap “Play” button. The game features three modes, such as Solo, Duo, or Squad.

Then you can tap “Ready” button. You see several things on the screen, such as the number of the players in the game, the icons of actions. You need to tap the icons so you can punch, run, jump and more. System requirement for mobile devicesAs for Android users, you will have to download the game from your Google Play store. The required Android version for the game is 4.0 or later.As for iOS users, if you want to enjoy Rules of Survival, you will visit your Apple App store, then, start downloading the game to your device which can be iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The required iOS version for playing it is 7.0 or later Popular search terms:rules of survival pc, rules of survival, download rules of survival pc, rules of survival for pc, rules of survival pc download, rule of survival pc, rules of survival on pc, rules of survival download pc, amazon, RULE OF SURVIVALWhat's your idea of Rules of Survival Game?