Hearts Of Iron 4 South Africa

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As ironman:- Break free asap- When free justify on Liberia- Build a few submarines (to get at least 3 fleets of 2-4 SS each fleet, though 1-2 SS per fleet would be enough by now)- Attack and annex Liberia- Justify on Portugal- Prepare at least 3 armies of about 20-24 Divs each one (2 as garrison with Portugal colonies and 1 to invade Portugal)(I had a fourth army of 10 Divs to assist on Portugal invasion)- Declare war on Portugal and invade 1st Guinea and 2nd Beja (Portugal) from Liberia.- Annex Portugal- Again build a few submarines (to get at least 3 fleets of 8-15 SS each fleet). The more the safest.- Justify on UK- Reorganize armies: 2 armies, one of 24+10(Reserve) Divs to Oporto ready to invade UK, the other army to defend your borders in Africa against Belgium and UK colonies (At least 24-30 Divs). Deploy also a few Divs to defend your core ports (1 Div per port enough)- Declare war on UK and invade Bristol and Cardiff simultaneously (10 Divs selecting both ports as target), then send the rest of Divs assigned to this group as reinforces asap. Attack first to east and south, when taken London turn north. Speed is the key.- UK should be involved in WWII against Germany/Italy. Push in UK to get them capitulated.- When capitulated you could choose wich faction to join, Axis or Commitern.

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Hearts of iron 4 south africa achievements

In my game I waited a bit to see wich was the better option to join (you will need to turn to that ideology first).NOTE:- SS fleets must be set to NO ENGAGE and NO REPAIR. They will be sacrified just to invade UK. Their unique goal it's to provide info into maritime zones to invade.- Invading UK at this point it's a matter of luck. If you have good luck your submarines will survive and you will be successful in your naval invasion. If an enemy fleet is around when declaring the war they can die before the naval invasion being successful.

Hearts Of Iron 4 Review

The worse of playing South Africa is that you must spend a lot of time first to break free, so you will attack UK too late to be really safe.- Be prepared when declaring war on UK. The naval invasion MUST be planned at 100% and also activated and the fleets must be patrolling, everything prior to war. Losing only one second it's to lose the battle.- Until UK defeated DON'T produce planes. Just infantry weapons and support equipment.- IMPORTANT: Turn fascist or communist to be able to declare war (I turned fascist).- Inmediately after turned fascist, you can select Abram Fischer as advisor, so you can freeze your politics at 50%-60% fascism to start growing toward communist. By doing this you can turn again from fascism to communism just in the case that you want to join Commitern.

Hearts Of Iron 4 South Africa Multiplayer

Join Axis or Commitern or staying neutral it's up to you.- Prior to political changes you can go deep into focus tree to select: 'A king for our people', so you can get later the achievement 'Crusader Kings'.- Of course, once you get UK capitulated you will get the achievement: 'Rule Britannia' (Just in the case that after UK capitulating you don't get all UK cores, and Germany gets some UK core, THEN you will be forced to join Axis if you wish to get the achievement. Germany can give to you some some UK lands if you ask for it, if they don't then you must contribute actively to the war effort to make it easier).Then it's all up to your own criteria.Main troubles of SA:- As you said they lack of manpower- Also lack of resources- Also lacks of equipment- Also lack of technology- Also lacks of fleet- They must wait a long time to break free- Not good targets close enough to attack safely, only allied colonies.