Half Life 2 Weapons Mod

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You can help by correcting spelling and grammar, removing factual errors and rewriting sections to ensure they are clear and concise. BrickbatThe Molotov cocktail appearing as the Brickbat Headcrab.The Brickbat is an unfinished 'weapon' that was to allow the player to use a small selection of props as weapons, by picking them up on the ground and throwing them. They included at least four elements: rocks, heads, (mirroring the from Half-Life) and beer bottles. Its entity name, weaponbrickbat, can still be found in Hammer, though it is invalid. It was probably removed for redundancy reasons, the allowing the player to pick up and throw almost everything they can find.In the playable Beta, the Molotov cocktail appears as a Headcrab when spawned but is a regular Molotov when thrown. Flare gunThe Flare Gun's Model in the mod Missing Information.Type: PistolAmmo: FlaresMagazine capacity: 1Range: ShortThe flare gun is a weapon that shoots flares that are typically used as a distress signal as well as other signaling purposes.The weapon was to be found on the. Due to general ineffectiveness when using this weapon it was cut from HL2 in early development.


Viewspec pro for mac. MP5K (SMG1)The 's world model, the only remnant of the MP5K model.Type: Submachine gunAmmo: 9mm ParaMagazine: 30 roundsRange: ShortH&K MP5K is a compact version of German-designed SMG, the, with a shorter barrel making it even more maneuverable and more easily concealed.The MP5K was apparently set to be HL2's primary SMG, and at some point during the development the MP5K and its replacement, the, existed side-by-side, but in the end it was cut in favor of the more modern MP7. Synergy has a fully working version of the weapon. HMG1The.The HMG1 (Heavy Machine Gun) is the only gun that uses Heavy rounds. It has horrid accuracy and can be switched to fire three round bursts. Strangely, each burst will only eat up one unit of ammo. Even in burst-fire mode, it will continue to fire as long as the player holds down the fire key. In addition, the weapon is very powerful, being able to kill a Combine soldier in only a couple of shots.The HMG1 is based on the rare H&K GR9 machine gun.

There is an older HMG1 model named 'vhkgr9.mdl', which is a much less detailed version of the HMG model.The 1 in the HMG1's name hints that there was supposed to be another HMG, but there is no sign of it in the Beta.In the final version, the still has a firing animation for the HMG1, but is unused. Hopwire grenadeThe Hopwire.Type: Tripmine (?)Ammo: Explosives (?)Range: ShortJudging from its name, the Hopwire may have been the functional equivalent of the based on the. Such a weapon, once placed, leaps up into the air after several seconds and shoots out several wires which, when tripped, cause the grenade and all its tethers to detonate.Be aware that the Hopwire is extremely unstable in the leak. If one of the wires touches a surface in the wrong way, the game will crash.The hopwire grenade can be found in Half-Life 2: Episode One as a hidden weapon, dubbed the 'blackhole hopwire'. It creates a small black hole that disintegrates everything next to it, including the player. The Hopwire concept continued to be improved, and became the in.

ImmolatorThe in action inside the Borealis in the mod Missing Information.Type: FlamethrowerAmmo: Unknown flammable and/or corrosive substanceRange: ShortThe Immolator was a weapon intended to be used by Combine Cremators and then acquired by the player. It functioned similarly to the human-designed except that the burning liquid also possessed corrosive properties, allowing it to nearly 'eat away' organic matter. It was intended to be highly effective against unprotected organic enemies, such as antlions or zombies, at short range.Dropped along with the Combine Cremators concept; however the effects of the weapon were converted for the effects made by thrown objects of Combine soldiers in the laser-like vertical beams in the Citadel.The player also finds burnt corpses of rebels throughout the game, suggesting that Cremators found them. Incendiary rifleThe.Type: Projectile launcher (?)Ammo: (?)Range: Short/MediumWhat little is known about the Incendiary rifle (or Irifle) can be garnered from its appearance in the pre-release 'Tunnels' gameplay video, where it is seen used against some officers. The weapon looks almost identical to the final version, but fires incendiary bolts which ignite their target in flames. Its magazine of 5 made it much more useful than the Flare Gun. It also had multiple skins throughout the leak (it had 2 skins) and also in a patched version of the leak had a clip reload animation, however it crashed every time the animation was played.

Perhaps due to the weapon's seemingly limited tactical use, the weapon was dropped and it's model repurposed as the AR2. Molotov cocktailThe Molotov cocktail.Type: ExplosiveAmmo: N/AThe is a self-made incendiary grenade. It includes a glass 0.5-0.7 liter bottle, gasoline, diesel fuel and motor oil mixture filling the bottle, as well as an old piece of cloth serving as cover and fuse. To arm the weapon, the cloth is ignited and the bottle thrown at the enemy, breaking upon contact and saturating its immediate surroundings with the flaming liquid.The effects of the weapon are very similar to grenades, therefore it is cut.Trivia. The Molotov cocktail idea was reused for Left 4 Dead as an optional secondary weapon of the Survivors to ignite zombies from long range. The model was remade from scratch. It was originally part of the Brickbat props, thus its Headcrab appearance in the playable Beta.

OICWThe XM29 OICW.Type: Assault rifleAmmo: 5.56mm NATOMagazine: 30 roundsAccuracy: GoodRange: Medium/LongThe XM-29 OICW (part of the U.S. Army's Objective Individual Combat Weapon program) was an assault rifle concept that sought to combine a standard 5.56mm assault rifle (what would later become the XM8 prototype rifle) with a 20mm cannon and complicated computerized sighting system. A number of problems, including weight, bulk, lack of effectiveness of the 20mm airburst round, and ultimately cost of single unit exceeding 10 000 USD have led to the project effectively being shelved.The XM-29 never entered full scale production or served with any military, but that hasn't stopped a number of games and films from depicting it in the hands of soldiers and mercenaries, including Half-Life 2 in its Beta phase.

In the game, it was originally planned to be the and ' weapon of choice, but it was later replaced by the fictional Overwatch Standard Issue (OSIPR).In the leak, the player can only fire the rifle portion of the gun and zoom in. The grenade launcher was shown working in promo videos, but it doesn't in the leak (the grenade launcher function is in the code, but is disabled). It appears that its grenade function was moved to the by the time the leak was made, as getting close to the SMG grenades in the map 'zooitem' causes the message 'AR2 Grenades' to appear on the screen.The OICW has good accuracy as long as the player fires in short bursts, and the scope turns it into a decent makeshift sniper rifle. SMG2 (MP7)The.In the leak, there were two SMGs; and SMG2.


SMG1 was supposed to be the MP5 as described earlier, but was replaced by a slow-firing version of the final SMG by the time the leak was made. The SMG2 is an MP7 as well, but it has a 60 round magazine and is capable of one or three-round bursts. It is extremely weak, but makes up for it with a large amount of ammo per magazine.Interestingly, an unmodified leak has the SMG2 use the SMG1 model. The SMG2's weapon file must be edited in order for it to use its proper model.Of note is that the SMG1's world model textures are called 'wsmg2.vtf'. That means the SMG1's model file might've been for the SMG2 at one time, which explains why the SMG2 uses the SMG1's view model in an unmodified beta install. Sniper RifleThe sniper Rifle.Type: Sniper rifleRange: LongAn unknown sniper rifle of origin was planned to be in the arsenal, but was dropped in favor of the less conventional (which has the same range for a skilled player).

This weapon was adapted for use by, and was eventually by the player in.Trivia. In and its episodes, the player can spawn a box of sniper rounds using the console command 'give itemboxsrounds'. These rounds would originally act as ammo for the sniper rifle. Valve most likely forgot to remove the sniper ammo from the final release. The boxes have the numbers 013501337 (leetspeak for 'obsolete') on them, which may mean that they were dropped very early and forgotten. Sticky LauncherAppearing like the classic Half-Life 2, it shoots red blobs that stick to anything (including enemies).

The player can then detonate them with the secondary fire key. This weapon also has long range firing capabilities (like a grenade) if pointed higher.The weapon also makes an appearance in Team Fortress 2, as the Demoman employs a weapon of near identical description as his secondary weapon. However, it only sticks to walls, floors, and other surfaces. If a bomb makes contact with another character, it simply bounces off.Trivia.

This gun is restored in some mods. Main article:Type: Experimental, particle cannonAmmo: Depleted uraniumRange: LongThe Tau Cannon was first scheduled to be in the arsenal, but due to unknown reasons was cut from the final version. It had a similar model to the Tau Cannon mounted on the, and was similar in operation to the from Half-Life.Trivia. An unused sound clip can be found in the game's files of a citizen talking about detaching the Tau Cannon from something, suggesting that at some point in the game's development, the Tau Cannon was to be detached from the for the player to take with them after leaving the car at. SMOD restores the Tau Cannon as a usable weapon. It has to reload every 20 shots, gets altfire ammo directly from the player's ammo supply and uses the SMG model.

Hey there,Most mods which are more than just skins or model replacements come as a complete package, they are very easy to install on those cases. It's a simple case of putting the folder you download in the SourceMods folder.That can be found at X:/ProgramFiles/Steam/steamapps/SourceMods.

Half Life 2 Mods Download

Most mods you download will come with README files anyway.I know that Phillip from provides installation instructions with all the mods he uploads (which are all singleplayer - try Research and Development). You can find pretty much every mod for Source through moddb.com.