Fl Studio Tempo Keeps Resetting

Posted by admin

Load 3xOsc and use the following settings:. Oscillator 1: select saw as the oscillator shape and set the fine tune to -10 cents. Oscillator 2: select saw as the oscillator shape as well and set the fine tun to +20 cents. Oscillator 3: we are not going to use osc 3, so set it’s volume to 0%. Root key to C7As this is going to be a reese bass aimed for drum & bass, set the project tempo to 170 BPM.Open the Piano Roll and create a bass melody:This is how it sounds:Assign the 3xOsc to a free mixer track and add these plugin effects to it’s fx slots:Fruity Chorus.

Chorus is here to ‘fatten’ the sound. Use the following settings:Fruity Fast Dist. It’s a distortion effect to add some ‘dirt’ and ‘attitude’ to the sound.

Fl Studio Pattern Stuck

StuckStudioFl Studio Tempo Keeps Resetting

Use these settings. Fruity Love Philter. For filter modulation. Load a preset ‘Default’ first to reset it’s setting and then use the following settings:And here’s the envelope settings. This is just what I’m using. You can draw what kind of envelope you want:That’s it. This is the end results:Sounds very D&B.I also programmed a typical D&B drum sequence and this is how the reese bass and drums sound together:And finally,.(This was basically a re-creation of so big credits for him and thanks for the inspiration – I hope you don’t mind buddy!).

First thing to do is to create a melody – long chords played with a sweeping pad sounds works very well with gate effect, but of course you can use gater with any sound you wan’t.Anyway, here’s a very simple chord pattern I created for this tutorial. I’m using a preset called “PD Sun Rise TAL” from the (freeware VST synth):This is how it sounds:Ok.