Final Fantasy Xv Windows Edition Mods

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Quick NoteThe purpose of this thread is to cover Final Fantasy XV performance, tweaks, and optimizations. Use this as a guide for your configurations.

Update Your Drivers!. NVIDIA USERS: If you are not using at least 391.01 drivers or higher, find your driver update hereNOTICE: Certain users are reporting constant hard crashes after this update. Re-roll to previous drivers if you're experiencing unplayability. AMD USERS: If you are not using at least 18.3.1 drivers or higher, find your driver update hereA2. Accessing Configuration FileTo edit the game's configuration file.

Navigate to:C:UsersDocumentsMy GamesFINAL FANTASY XVSteamsavestorageGraphicsConfig.iniDon't forget to make a back up copy before editing! Currently Known Rendering Settings for GraphicsConfig.iniHover over 'Spoiler' with cursor to see information. If Spoiler hovers aren't working, refresh the tab. AmbientOcclusion=. Antialias=. HighSpecAsset=. LightingQuality=.

ModelLODScaling=. MotionBlur=.

ScreenFilterDetail=. ShadowDistanceScaling=. ShadowResolution=.

TerrainTesselation=. TextureAnisotropicFilter=. TextureStreamingMemory=A4.

GraphicsConfig.ini for those that have similar specifications as the official. This should give roughly a consistent 1080p 60FPS throughout the game. Increase values if you're fine with losing frames in bigger battles and cities. AmbientOcclusion=1. Antialias=2. HighSpecAsset=0. LightingQuality=0.

ModelLODScaling=125. ScreenFilterDetail= (Personal taste).

MotionBlur= (Personal taste). ShadowDistanceScaling=125. ShadowResolution=200. TerrainTesselation=0.

TextureAnisotropicFilter=8B1. TAA Blur FixFinal Fantasy's Anti-Aliasing method is extremely blurry. However, if turned off has a lot of clear and visible aliasing, as well as extreme dithering and pixelated hair.

If you want to keep TAA and remove the blur, download this extremely simple ReShade.This ReShade is designed only to fix TAA's blur and does not alter any original art direction/design.Here's a comparison photo to slightly show the impact:If you wish to download, follow instructions here: B2. COMPENDIUM (If tweaking GraphicsConfig.ini, put it on read-only after).Final Fantasy 15 is a massive CPU Intensive game (Not to mix up with poorly optimized CPU game). If you have a weaker CPU and a powerful graphics card make sure you have it selected for PhysX via control panel. Like.If you're using Steam, disable Steam In-Game. Overlay causes performance drop and memory leak.According to, if you disable Steam overlay, your controller might became unavailable to use.

If so, you need to uncheck (The one that says Big Picture) in order for them work. Via Task Manager, set Final Fantasy 15's priority to.

Most are reporting reduced stuttering and increased performance. If you are experiencing flickering, try lowering the priority.According to You can download to save priority if you don't want to do it everytime. You can enable Borderless Mode via GraphicsConfig.ini by setting 'HardwareFullScreenMode' to 0I do not recommend playing with borderless mode enabled as it can lower performance.White Flickering: Nvidia Control Panel's FXAA has conflicts with in-game's Filtering settings, either turn off Nvidia FXAA or drop Filtering settings to low to remove white flickering. If still persisting with Nvidia FXAA off, try dropping Filtering to low aswell.Black Flickering: Could be many things; memory Leak, bad CPU overclock, bad GPU overclock, etc. Certain users are actually getting this when trying to use Nvidia Control Panel or Relive's Anisotropic Filtering.Changing Anisotropic Filtering from 8x to 16x via GraphicsConfig.ini have indistinguishable results. Instead, Force Anisotropic Filtering x16 via Nvidia Control Panel or AMD Relive.Certain players are experiencing stuttering due to the game being confused on either showing Game Pad or M&K controls on the screen.According to, disabling via Options Guide in-game fixes the issue.Certain players with Nvidia VXAO on is causing their in-game cutscene FPS to drop to as low as 5-15; disable for now if you're a victim.Certain players with Texture/Clothing flickering issues have had their problem solved by capping their frames to 59, others are reporting 30. Lowering TextureStreamingMemory can also alleviate flickering issues, check section B3.

For more information.BasicSettingsMaxFramerate=59 or 30.Certain players with flicker issues have had their problem solved by making their DirectX up to date. Don't forget to restart after updating.Tweak Shadow Settings individually via GraphicsConfig.ini with the following lines until you find the performance you're content with. Don't touch Shadow setting in-game.ShadowDistanceScaling=Determines how far shadows are produced from player. 200 is in-game's 'highest' setting.ShadowDistanceScaling is harder on CPU.ShadowResolution=Determines the quality and resolution of shadows produced. 400 is in-game's 'highest' settingShadowResolution is harder on GPU. Tweak Level of Detail of objects via GraphicsConfig.ini until you find the performance you're content with. Don't touch in-game setting.ModelLODScaling=Increases polygon-count, draw distance, and level of detail on distant objects.

Final fantasy xv windows edition mods 10

Adjust for those who are struggling in when in cities, battles, and outposts but don't want the significant drops from changing in-game settings.In-game setting values are 200 'highest' and '75' low. Can have values of 75 up to 9999 (Don't do it it'll murder your computer).ModelLODScaling affects both CPU and GPU. Performance impact is more pronounced in cities/populated areas.

Probably the demanding setting outside of Assets. Rendering Resolution at 125%, 150%, 175, and 200% are too big of a gap between settings, adjust via GraphicsConfig.ini until you find the performance you're content with. Don't touch in-game Rendering Resolution setting.RenderingResolutionRatio=Values of 50 to 200 equals 50% to 200%.Increasing this value helps clean up the game's aliasing and the blurry anti-aliasing method received from TAA, resulting in clearer and cleaner visual clarity.Stick with Intervals of 5.

Values that don't end in 0 or 5 like 103% can cause visual glitches. TextureStreamingMemoryCertain players are experiencing stuttering, crashing, poor texture rendering, or big dip in FPS when playing at HIGHEST settings for TRAM. Setting it down to HIGH can alleviate issues but leads to a huge difference in quality. The game seems to be missing a setting between HIGHEST and HIGH.Example: For 8GB VRAM users, turning HIGHEST to HIGH leads to a difference of 4000 TextureStreamingMemory to 1000.

Final Fantasy Xv Windows Edition Mods 3

This leads to 2048, 2560, or 3072 being a good compromise.You can keep fiddling around with your own VRAM until you find a good compromise between quality/performance and until you stop experiencing negative symptoms. I recommend increasing/decreasing TextureStreamingMemory by increments of 128.128, 256, 384, 512, 640, 768, 896, 1024 and so forth. SPOILER. I've tried almost everything I can come up with to no avail except, capping my FPS to 30, which almost eliminates the issue. However, I find this kind of solution unacceptable.This is really holding me down on purchasing this game. It's really annoying and I feel that every time I see it happening I'll get a seizure and my eyes will bleed.It's a shame though because everything else performs wonderfully and the game looks beautiful, yet this is an issue I can't let slide as it impacts my experience tremendously.The only conclusion I can get to is, that it's recurrent in i5 processors.

Final Fantasy Xv Mods Pc

My thoughts are that Hyper threading in someway, aliviates/hides the issue in i7's.My system specs.GTX 1080i5 6600k16 GB RAM.