Fallout 4 Read Patriots Reply

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Falete3 wrote: Why all hate communist? AmaccurzerO wrote: It is just part of the lore in Fallout 3 the cold war speech of hate about communism. Just hear gutsies or Liberty Prime quotes and you will understand.

  1. Fallout 4 Read Patriots Reply On Youtube

Guntherian wrote: xD why hate communism? Well because its evil and bolshevic, and leads to human suffering and poverty. What kind of question is that? AmaccurzerO wrote: I think this guy gave you a better explanation.:)There's so much hate for communism because unfortunately, people aren't perfect and will always find ways to manipulate whatever system is in place.

Fallout 4 Read Patriots Reply On Youtube

Fallout 4 patriot mod

Due to this, Communism just doesn't work. Falete3 wrote: Why all hate communist?

AmaccurzerO wrote: It is just part of the lore in Fallout 3 the cold war speech of hate about communism. Just hear gutsies or Liberty Prime quotes and you will understand. Guntherian wrote: xD why hate communism?

Well because its evil and bolshevic, and leads to human suffering and poverty. What kind of question is that? AmaccurzerO wrote: I think this guy gave you a better explanation.

NILLOC916 wrote: There's so much hate for communism because unfortunately, people aren't perfect and will always find ways to manipulate whatever system is in place. Due to this, Communism just doesn't work.Trying to understand why communism does not work would take us into a deep discussion, and the nexus is no place for this. I have had the misfortune to live in two communist countries and both have ended in dictatorship and misery. That is why I know what I'm talking about, because I've lived it, no one has told me. But this mod is not about that. This mod just follows the lore of the universe of Fallout 3 and its conservative discourse about democracy vs communism.

This mod was made just to have fun and action, to win some XP and make richer the world of Fallout 3. Cheers to all.

So I finished the game about a week ago. I sided with the railroad and got a lovely 'grey' ending. Did I do the right thing? I have no clue. But what really got me was the bit after the ending where, if you return to railroad HQ, Desdemona tells you Patriot has 'died during the attack on the institute'.

She then hands you Patriot's suicide note and makes it clear you two are the only ones that know what really happened. I haven't felt that bad since playing Spec Ops: The Line. Anyone else share this sentiment? I am sure I did the right thing, because the other endings would have been even worse.

Still I felt pretty bad for all the lifes I had taken. But I was more angry than sad at Desdemona's way of telling me about patriot's death, actually. She spoke as if it was MY fault, even though the whole plan of freeing everyone, not only those 13 Synths, was HER idea.

And it wasn't MY decision to hide this plans from him. I even managed to succeed at a speech check with Father, meaning that I started an Evacuation alarm and turned off some of the guards in the Institute.

I did everything I could. So Desdemonas 'bit.hy' way of speaking really angered me a bit.

Originally posted by:I think he felt really betrayed as well. Not telling him about your plans at all and then basically killing his family and everyone he knows after all he'd done for the Railroad. That's where it gets into sort of a gray area. When you're assaulting the Institute you can either activate the evactuation alarm or not in an effort to limit the casualties.

If you do, then while he's still justifiably angry about it he just pusses out at the prospect of having to deal with living life on the surface for trying to follow his ideals. If you don't, then he at least has the justification of the slaughter of those in the institute.but still doesn't justify what he does. It is one thing to kill yourself because you've been radically changed from a clean life at the Institute to struggling to get by on the surface and you can't cope with it. It is ANOTHER thing entirely to kill yourself while blaming someone else for it.

Originally posted by:I think he felt really betrayed as well. Not telling him about your plans at all and then basically killing his family and everyone he knows after all he'd done for the Railroad. That's where it gets into sort of a gray area. When you're assaulting the Institute you can either activate the evactuation alarm or not in an effort to limit the casualties. If you do, then while he's still justifiably angry about it he just pusses out at the prospect of having to deal with living life on the surface for trying to follow his ideals. If you don't, then he at least has the justification of the slaughter of those in the institute.but still doesn't justify what he does.

It is one thing to kill yourself because you've been radically changed from a clean life at the Institute to struggling to get by on the surface and you can't cope with it. It is ANOTHER thing entirely to kill yourself while blaming someone else for it.I don't know. I still don't blame him for blaming me. I really felt like I ♥♥♥♥ed up. Which makes it such an impactful moment, I suppose. Originally posted by:I am sure I did the right thing, because the other endings would have been even worse.

Still I felt pretty bad for all the lifes I had taken. But I was more angry than sad at Desdemona's way of telling me about patriot's death, actually.

She spoke as if it was MY fault, even though the whole plan of freeing everyone, not only those 13 Synths, was HER idea. And it wasn't MY decision to hide this plans from him. I even managed to succeed at a speech check with Father, meaning that I started an Evacuation alarm and turned off some of the guards in the Institute. I did everything I could. So Desdemonas 'bit.hy' way of speaking really angered me a bit. She did act a bit weird, but I'm not exactly sure she was blaming the player.


Originally posted by:I don't know. I still don't blame him for blaming me.

I really felt like I ♥♥♥♥ed up. Which makes it such an impactful moment, I suppose. Patriot just made me roll my eyes at that point. He was one of the few, if not the only, people in the Institute that actually respected the synths (primarily the Gen 3 synths) as equals. His actions post-Railroad-victory just seem petulant to me. I don't blame the base of his reason (i.e. Coping with life in the Commonwealth as compared to the Institute) but his blaming me felt like nothing more than whining.

Originally posted by:I sided with the railroad and while i was finishing that mission, i gonna be honest i felt really disgusted at killing those scientists, for that was ♥♥♥ up. That ending left i bitter taste in my mouth.

I opted to only shoot the security personnel and coursers that attacked me. Unless I just didn't notice it the NPCs that follow you during the siege won't attack the fleeing scientists in spite of them being hostile to you. You can also trigger an evactuation alarm and, in addition, Desdemona (I think it was desdemona) mentions that they'll teleport anyone out of the Institute provided they intend no harm.Destroying the Institute utterly is extreme, yes, but I can understand why it needed to be done.

Originally posted by:No.I went with RR just to see their endgame and it was slightly copypasted others vs Institute meh.The only person in RR I ever cared about were Tinker Tom as he's batshit crazy and Glory who is hands down deadly mistress of doom in this game - and Bethesda decided not to allow her as your sidekick but kill her through the story instead. Glory bothered me. At that point I had 300+ stimpacks and I could have easily just jabbed a dozen into her neck to heal her up if not stabilize her for treatment.but nope.

Story reasons happened. Originally posted by:People keeps bashing on the minutemen, but having progressed far enough with every faction, just before they ask you to kill the rest, I sided with them and only the institute had to be destroyed, and even then I could send an evacuation order and save as many scientists and synths as possible. No Railroad members had to die. No Brotherhood of Steel children had to be blown to pieces.People give the Minutemen crap because they're bland and ineffective.

Their unity is tied too strongly to their leader and they have no existing structure that would allow them to exist, even temporarily, without a strong leader at the helm. I wasnt sure at first if that was even the ending when I finished since it feels.well like its kind of like it should be a set up for some kind or real ending where the railroad does something. More for the rest the commonwealth or at least supports the MinuteMen in becoming a force for good and using them as a way to promote synth support.Hoping down the road for some more faction related quests threw updates or DLC:/Well guess next time I will have to go full out BoS and see what happens.