Fallout 4 Map Symbol Key

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  1. Fallout 4 Map Symbols

Fallout 4 Map Symbols

05 USS ConstitutionThis is quest area.Lookout NPC Talk to him.Last Voyage of The U.S.S. Constitution QUESTMeet the captainA strange lookout robot ordered me to report to the captain of the USS Constitution. A ship that's stuck on top of a bank.Enter the ship by trapdoor and head to the main deck.Talk to Captain IronsidesFire with the Cannons using Circuit BreakerRepulse scavenger attack.Talk to BosunRepair or replace power 3 cablesTalk to BosunRepair or buy a replacement Power Relay Coil.Talk to Mr. NavigatorRecover the Guidance ChipTalk to Mandy Stiles. I chose Ironside way.Talk to Mr. NavigatorRepair or replace Poseidon Radar TransmitterTalk to Captain Ironsides.Find FLL3 Turbopump BearingsIronsides give you Captain's Quarters Key, you can use it to pickup Magazine from his cabin.Return to IronsidesDefend ConstitutionTalk to Captain Ironsides and you will get reward 'Broadsider' Special Weapon.Fire up auxiliary power and watch finale.Captain Ironsides NPCBosun NPCMr. Navigator NPCMandy Stiles NPCNX-42 Guidance Chip ITEMCaptain's Quarters Key ITEMBroadsider Special ItemU.S.

Covert Operations Manual MagazinePermanently more difficult to detect while sneaking. 08 Greenetech GeneticsThe slocation is for Hunter/Hunted Quest09 C.I.T.

Ruins10 Cambridge Polymer LabsMolly NPCTell Molly that you want to work here, pass test.Cambridge Polymer Labs QUESTComplete the Reserch ProjectThe objective of this quest will produce a very good armor. To produce the armor you need two materials and radioactive isotope. In all the laboratory it is 6 unidentified materials and one isotope.Polymer Coating Applicator - Here you will test materials, check what they are unidentified sample. What is a tone poem.

Here, too, at the end you produce armor.There are 6 Unidentified Samples that you have found in the laboratory and then in pairs you will need to add to Polymer Coating Applicator and perform a scan Loaded Reagents. Then you will know their names.U-238 Isotope Sample is in room with radiation.You need to carefully search the entire lab. Use Terminals to open the doors. Enter the ramp to the ventilation shafts.At the end of the insert Polymer Coating Applicator Gold, Lithium Hydride and U-238. Start the process.Talk to Molly, and you will get a key to Director's Room.Optional Find another way to escape laboratory.Use Terminal to open door, to exit before experiment is finished.Polymer Coating Applicator ITEMUnidentified Sample ITEM It looks like a big picnic thermos.Hazmat Suit ITEMU-238 ITEM Isotope Sample - it is much smaller than samples.Peizoneucleic Power Armor Chest Special ItemCPL Director's Key ITEMMassachusetts Surgical Journal MagazinePermanently inflict +2% limb damage.

Contents.General information There are at least 325 marked locations in total in the base game of Fallout 4, spread throughout the, (situated in the center of the Commonwealth, by the ) and the (situated in the southwest corner of the ). 30 of these locations are, which allow the player to build unique structures and farms on the land in and around the location.For an interactive map of locations, see. Inhabited (see top level article for details on how to unlock them).