Kamidori Save File Updater

Posted by admin

Ussnorway: the default folder for saves is in yourC:UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsMy GamesStar Ruler 2savesfolder. I would assume you installed to cprograms folder or you have a bad antivirus softwarewhat system is it i.e, window 8, 7, 10? I'm using Win10. And the saves folder is in C:UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsMy GamesStar Ruler 2saves.There are no saves inside it.

Even after starting several games and saving them as test.Edit 1: I found out that for some reason the saves folder is read only. When I change it to read/write it reverts back to read only.Edit 2: I'm using Avast. Binn05: I'm using Win10. And the saves folder is in C:UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsMy GamesStar Ruler 2saves.There are no saves inside it.

Even after starting several games and saving them as test.Edit 1: I found out that for some reason the saves folder is read only. When I change it to read/write it reverts back to read only.Edit 2: I'm using Avast 1. The saves folder should be read only. Thats a windows 10 thing2. Avast = start your game and goto the community tab. If you get online then the firewall is playing nice.Q what install path did you use for the game example mine = C:GOG GamesStar Ruler 2Star Ruler 2.exeQ this game is English only so Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsLanguage = at least one english? Ussnorway: 1.

The saves folder should be read only. Thats a windows 10 thing2. Avast = start your game and goto the community tab. If you get online then the firewall is playing nice.Q what install path did you use for the game example mine = C:GOG GamesStar Ruler 2Star Ruler 2.exeQ this game is English only so Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsLanguage = at least one english? Avast = check, I can access Community tab at Galaxy, Layout (Shift + Tab) at game, and at the first in game screen I see Wake of Heralds Expansion and V2.0.0 Update News.3.

I'm using F:GOG GamesStar Ruler 2Star Ruler 2.exe. But will install at C drive to see if something happens.Edit: Change the drive. Still cannot save.4. I have Portuguese - Brazil enabled as my primary language and English - US as my secondary language.Edit 2: I tried to contact the developers through Twitter. Also tried to create an account within the official forum. But no reply to my twit and the forum won't allow me to create an account.


Ussnorway: test 1; uninstall the Game Avast from the system restart and reinstall game. Can you save now?test 2; download unblock this save file, unzip and place the 2 sub files in your games save folder.

Can you open this save and can you then save over the top?p.s, C drive will give better system performance than F drive in a windows machine Test 1: Avast was the problem. Without Avast I can save now. Go figures.Thank you for all the help:DAlso did test 2, but since it was after uninstalling Avast it also worked.

FWIW, AVG does the same thing since the Thursday update. Specifically, it is being cause by the Ransomware Protection service which was introduced on (you guessed it) Thursday.To fix the problem in AVG under Windows 8, open the AVG console, click Menu, select Ransomware Protection, then Blocked/Allowed Apps.Now click on Allow An App and navigate your way to the Star Ruler 2 folder (probably C:GOG GamesStar Ruler 2). Find the folder called 'bin' and open it. Open the folder for your OS (e.g. Win64 for Windows 8).

Then click ONCE on Star Ruler 2.exe and then click on the Open button.You should now be back in the Ransomware Protection, Blocked/Allowed Apps menu with Star Ruler 2.exe showing as an allowed app.I hope this helps any lost AVG users who find their way here. Binn05: Test 1: Avast was the problem. Without Avast I can save now. Go figures.Thank you for all the help:DAlso did test 2, but since it was after uninstalling Avast it also worked. I encountered the same problem. For a personal reason, It was mandatory that i didn't uninstall Avast, so I had to go around it.

The way i managed to do so was by going into Avast program, settings tab, components tab, and disable the Ransomware Shield. You can do that while the game is running; just use the windows button on your keyboard, disable the Ransomware Shield, go back to game, save; after saving feel free to unable the Ransomware Shield back on again. Repeat as needed.

I forgot why I loved/hated the game. Story and images were pretty good. Resource grind was not.I ended up cheating for resources, though you can do more but you lose out on the other fun. Running this with the game as is helps in adding resources if you don't want to grind through the maps time and time and time and time again.Spoiler AI is Japanese, though it has an English add on so most of the internal menus are legible. Start up the Meister, then run Spoiler AI and in real time add resources so you can avoid the worst of the grind.

Kamidori Save File Updater

Hmm I'm still in the middle of learning so I don't know yet if it was worth it. When it comes to studying language the longer you go the more you get out of it and since I like VN-s it will pay off. As for what I'm using, well I'm only focusing on reading right now so I looked up methods that help with that.The first thing to study is grammar (knowing katakana and hiragana is needed for this). I read Tae Kim's guide and Japanese The Manga Way to get an overall understanding on how grammar works (I heard Genji is also good). These are really good if you need to look something up later.After this you can use a text hooker and translator to get each words meaning (there are guides for this) and with the grammar you know, you can put togather the sentence. Since you have to check every word and you have to look up grammar quite often, at the start it will be slow and you will butcher the first few things you read.That's why the second thing to do is study vocab and the third is kanji. The more of those you know the less you have to look up and you will read faster.

For vocab I use an anki deck and make a new card for every new word I encounter, and for kanji I use wanikani which is a paid service.As I read VN-s I see the same words and grammar over and over so I remember them after a while. Anki and wankiani only help this process.Honestly this method works well for me but I wouldn't recommend it if you seriously want to learn japanese. What I did is get into reading VN-s as fast as I can so I wouldn't give up on studying. Having an issue that only started happening very recently.The game creates two or three more instance windows during combat, causing the taskbar to slide in and back out once the fight is over. Needless to say, this is incredibly off-putting.Things I've tried to no avail:Opening the game in Window mode and disabling notifications.

Doesn't work as it doesn't show in the system tray.Disabling Aero Peek. Still happens.Playing the game in Window Mode. No thanks.See the screenshot for a good idea of what I'm talking about.So can anyone suggest what WILL work?

I actually can't play it like this.Auto-hide Taskbar doesn't help because I can STILL see it happening. I AM playing it in full screen mode.

The taskbar only slides in during combat. As you can see, the taskbar slides in and obscures some of the screen.I know what it is now. It's the visual effects creating window instances of their own. I wish I knew what I could do about it, though. Turning off Combat Animations in the Configuration stops the taskbar popping in like that, but I like the sprites. There has to be something in Windows that stops it acting like a dick.Nope. No prequels exist.

Everything you need to understand what's going on is explained to you pretty early on.FIXED!So I needed to download, install and use K-Lite Codec Pack (Basic), but that's just for starters. When it finished, I needed to run the 'Detect and Remove broken Codecs and Filters' function under General - Fixes. Next, I hopped over to MS Codec Tweaks and disabled everything. Then I went into Preferred Decoders and changed everything I could from 'Use Microsoft' to 'Use MERIT'.I checked in battle using Servalwi's Snipe attack. No errant extra ActiveMovie windows popping up.

Kamidori Save File Updater Tool

I can fully enjoy this game once again.ACTUALLY FIXED!The above runs the battle scenes without ActiveMovie butting in. But the animations don't play. However, I didn't give up. I'd had enough, booted up the Codec Tweaker again and hit 'Reset'. Went back in to re-enable Microsoft DTV-DVD decoder (The first one, there's two for some reason), Apply & Close.Then I went into General - Fixes and placed a check mark beside both 'Detect and Remove' and 'Reregister' options.

Apply & Close.I wasn't expecting this to work, but it did. Imagine my surprise!Now I can ACTUALLY enjoy this game fully once again.

Do you guys play in full screen or windowed? It seems like the native resolution of the pictures aren't the same dimensions of my monitor so when I full screen there is a huge black border all around. I tried the virtual option (not sure what it's supposed to do really) and the game takes up the whole screen but everything is blurry.EDIT: My game is freezing on the intro video and when I select some items and when I try to pick up the feather in the tutorial it freezes for a while then I can't do anything. I checked the readme for the English patch and it said 'Your system's LAV Splitters for handling MPEG movie files are not configured correctly. Reconfigure or disable them.' But I have no idea what it's talking about or how to do that. I checked and it seems like a lot of people were having that problem but I can't find a solution, any help would be greatly appreciated.

You must be registered to see the linksTried both running ntleasWin.exe and picking the age.exe via AppPath AND then after copying all the folder contents in the screenshot into game folder and dropping the age.exe onto ntleasWin.exe and clicking Save & Run. Nothing happens. The config window closes and game exe does not starts. I have Windows 10, of course.I can run game exe by double clicking it, but then it crashes with first text window because, I assume, no Jap locale.Can anyone help me out and tell me how I can resolve this problem?