Amnesia Custom Story Funny

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  1. Amnesia Custom Story 2019

I didn't ask for your opinion if what you happen to dislike should exist or not. And no, I wont buy a new game just because you dislike me playing a game in a way you don't like.Never heard about 'The small horse', sounds a little like Nintendo Horror Castle. Just with more troll.I found some more mods, some who are just plain funny and some who are also scary.

I haven't played them yet so I don't know to well which is what. I'll write what I know.Gary - Snowy SecretsMy memories hurtGary Dark Secrets - The author claims it is supposed to still be scary but doesn't use 'cheap jump scares', I don't know in what way.Silent Hallways - This is mod is still seen as pretty darn scary, so what is funny? Just play it to the start and finish.Nintendo Horror Castle - This is just one big troll mod, but in a hilarious way.House of Creep (1 and 2) - I don't know if the game is funny, but some people find the use of graphic bugs hilarious.Baldo's Discovery - Supposed to be a little funny, scary and challenging. Author claims it 'might' not be any cheap jumpscares.If anyone know anymore be welcome to post them.

Work began on the game while was still being developed, with the company working on both projects at the same time. The game was first known under two working titles: Unknown and Lux Tenebras. It was not until November 13, 2009 that it was announced as its current title, Amnesia, with the release of the game's website and a game trailer.

Initial designs of the game varied considerably from the final game, with the developers interested in reintroducing more combat elements similar to those utilized in their first commercial title. The developers soon discovered that they encountered many of the same problems and difficulties that plagued the combat in that game however, and the design was further changed to be more similar to the style set out by Overture 's sequel. On February 5, 2010 it was announced that the game had reached the alpha stage of development on all platforms. Two weeks later the developers released a new teaser trailer that showed actual game-play footage, and the developers began accepting pre-orders for the game through their website. Also revealed was that the game was at that point being tested on all three intended platforms.

It was also announced that the game would be released simultaneously for all of them in August 2010. This was later rescheduled, and the game was then expected to have a September 8, 2010 release. It was then later announced on August 27, 2010 that the game had officially gone and would soon be ready to sold. On September 3, the games demo was released containing selected parts of the gameplay and story.

It was then successfully released on September 8, 2010. If the game reached 2000 pre-orders by May 31, 2010, Frictional promised it would release extra content for the game. The goal was finally met in early May, after the pre-orders were offered at a discount made available until May 31. This was done due to the success of Penumbra: Overture as a part of the first. The extra content was revealed to be commentary, and they explained in the comments section of the same page that its intended function was similar to that of 's commentary system that began in the series. The authors cite 'Soul Made Flesh' by and older horror movies such as as being inspirations for the mood and style of the game.

The player character is presented with several puzzles to solve. In each, she has the option of simply abandoning the puzzle and walking away, but doing so will cause an innocent victim contained within (a doctor, a priest and a policeman) to die. She is also stalked by the Suitors, three monstrous characters whom Justine (through additional phonographs) reveals to be her own former paramours, now twisted by physical and psychological torture.

The player character may also collect notes scattered throughout the testing environs, which give additional background information on the Suitors and Justine herself. The game's exact ending depends on how many puzzles the player has chosen to solve, and thus how many victims survived. However, all of them proceed along roughly the same lines: after surviving the puzzle sections, the nameless female discovers a phonograph dangling from the ceiling, which causes the walls of the chamber to begin moving inward as though to squash the protagonist. She passes out, but awakens unharmed and begins to congratulate herself. The protagonist is Justine, who staged the entire experiment to see if she still had any compassion for humanity within herself.

Armed with her new-found knowledge, she moves forward into the ending sequence, in which any surviving victims thank her (not realizing she does not intend to free them now that her memory is restored) and, if all three were saved, Justine makes a declaration she herself is still alive. Daniel was once a part of an archaeological expedition to Africa, in an attempt to excavate a tomb called 'The Tomb of '. He came across a mystical orb buried within the ruins of the ancient temple, and brought its broken pieces back to England where he successfully assembled them. Daniel started to seek information about the Orb's history from a geologist and a professor.

However, he began to be plagued by nightmares, and several people who came across his path, and that of the Orb, died horribly at the hands of the 'Shadow' that appears to follow his footsteps. Desperate and despairing, he received a strange letter from a Prussian baron named Alexander, who promised protection if Daniel would sojourn in his castle. Daniel had no other choice but to flee to Brennenburg. As he arrived at the castle, he was greeted warmly by the baron, Alexander of Brennenburg and his servants, who appeared to be very pleased by Daniel's arrival. But the young man was unaware that the enigmatic deity had silently chased him to Brennenburg. Alexander knew this, and promised Daniel that they would banish the cosmic beast forever.

Alexander told Daniel all he knew about the Orb's power. Daniel asked Alexander about the letter he sent in response to Daniel. Alexander simply said that things could be done, but at a price. Alexander showed various parts of the Brennenburg castle to Daniel, including the archives, a refinery, a prison where he kept the 'criminals', a bottomless pit called the Chancel, and the Inner Sanctum itself, where they could permanently banish the Shadow. During their visit in the Inner Sanctum, Alexander began to tamper with the Orb, thus enraging the Guardian, whose fleshy residue appeared in the Sanctum. Alexander quickly covered the Orb and the Shadow disappeared.


He told Daniel that they had very little time to banish the Shadow. They must quickly start the Warding Ritual before it would be too late.

Watch nadal vs tsitsipas live espn football. However, Alexander's promise of salvation was a lie. It was revealed then that he is actually an otherworldly life-form who has spent centuries in Brennenburg, attempting to open a 'gate' back to his own world.

To do this, he needed a substance called 'vitae', which can only be harvested from the blood of agonized humans. He also needed a usable Orb. As such, Daniel was a boon to his efforts: Alexander employed him as his personal torturer, replacing his former servants who became the monsters Daniel flees from, and claiming that the vitae would fuel a ritual to banish the Shadow from Daniel's presence forever. Daniel initially embraced this role, particularly when Alexander told him that the humans he was seizing are vile criminals. In order to produce enough vitae, Alexander and Daniel fed the prisoners they tortured with an Amnesia potion, which made them forget the method of their torture, and ensured that they will be just as terrified the second time around, without becoming accustomed or resigned to the pain ( is alluded to as either one of the ingredients of the Amnesia potion, or as a flavoring that Daniel perhaps added to the mixture to disguise its taste). As the experiments continued, however, Daniel's faith in Alexander was shaken, and finally shattered when he murdered a little girl in cold blood following her escape from a prison cell.

Alexander saw that the event had taken a toll on Daniel's mind. Taking the Orb with him, Alexander sealed himself in the Inner Sanctum, leaving Daniel to be brutally maimed by the cosmic guardian. Despondent over how far he has come, and furious at Alexander's trickery, Daniel chooses to drink the Amnesia potion himself so that he can atone for his sins without the burden of crippling emotional trauma, leaving but a note to his new self to murder Alexander.


The new Daniel found the note his former-self left, telling him to kill Alexander, but also to escape the approaching Shadow as long as he can. As he started to travel in the castle, he realized that his former-self's warning was right. This beast, the Guardian of The Orbs, follows his footsteps, as do the terrible monsters patrolling in the corridors of Brennenburg.

Daniel eventually manages to find the Inner Sanctum buried deep below Castle Brennenburg. He breaches its defences with a newly assembled Orb and the help of, an alchemist that Alexander has kept imprisoned in Brennenburg for centuries with the use of strange alchemy. Agrippa, who once studied Orbs with his student, explains the purpose of the Shadow: it protects the Orbs, slaying anyone who threatens to abuse their power. He mentions also that Weyer managed to travel to Alexander's world using the power of the Orb, and begs a favor: that Daniel separate Agrippa's head from his body with the help of a tonic that will ensure his head will remain alive, and then take it with him. In a similar vein to the developer's previous games, Amnesia is an adventure game played from a perspective. The game retains the physical object interaction used in the, allowing for physics-based puzzles and interactions such as opening doors and fixing machinery. Few in-game objects are operated by toggle; to open a door, for instance, the player must hold down a mouse button and then push (or pull) the mouse.

This gives the player stealth, allowing them to peek out a barely-opened door or open it slowly to sneak away, but also adds to the player's sense of helplessness, as it is now entirely possible to attempt to push open a 'pull' door whilst danger approaches from behind. In addition to a health indicator, Daniel's must be managed. Being in darkness too long, witnessing unsettling events, or staring at monsters will reduce Daniel's sanity, causing visual and auditory hallucinations and drawing the attention of monsters. Light sources help restore sanity, and if none are available Daniel may use tinderboxes to ignite candles in wall sconces and candelabra, or deploy an oil-burning lantern found near the beginning of the game. However, the number of tinderboxes and the amount of oil available are both limited, and standing in a light source also makes the player more noticeable to monsters. The player must balance the amount of time Daniel spends in light and shadow. Sanity is fully restored once Daniel completes an objective or progresses the game's story.

It may also be restored by staying in the shadows until Daniel passes out, but this leaves him extremely vulnerable to any nearby monsters. If a monster spots Daniel, it will chase him until he's out of sight. If spotted, Daniel must flee, as Amnesia does not give the player access to weapons.

Amnesia Custom Story 2019

Daniel must find hiding places or barricade doors with rocks, chairs and other obstacles; however, monsters are capable of tearing down doors in their path and kicking obstacles out of the way, and move extremely fast once they have spotted their prey. Players can also choose to hide Daniel in the shadows, at cost to sanity. Monsters who lose sight of Daniel will search for him for a time, but will eventually leave and vanish.