Voices From Below Tf2

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  1. Voices From Below Tf2 Spell

As a class-based shooter, every character in has a fixed set of equipment and abilities, and a role to play in propelling the team to victory. Each class is distinct in looks, personality, and accent, and has a set of weapons and equipment unique to them. Click to Expand Scout, Soldier, Pyro. Click to Expand Demoman, Heavy, Engineer. Click to Expand Medic, Sniper, Spy. Click to Expand Mann Co. (The Administrator, Miss Pauling, Saxton Hale, Redmond and Blutarch Mann, Zephaniah Mann, Gray Mann, Olivia Mann, Charles Darling, The 1850's Team, The Classic Team), The Mercs' Families (Scout's Mom, Demoman's Parents, Sniper's Parents, Sniper's Birth Parents, Radigan Conagher, Heavy's Family), Enemies and Bosses (Horseless Headless Horsemann, MONOCULUS!, Merasmus the Magician, Bombinomicon, The Robots, Skeleton Army), Others (Mayor Mike, Medic's Doves).

Saxton Hale: You work with exceptionally subnormal men. Sex criminals. War criminals. I'm fairly certain four of them can't even read. Men like that don't get high-end jobs. They get your jobs. Scout: Totally immature in his attitude towards girls?

Or madly in love with Miss Pauling and barely able to talk to her without stammering?. Soldier: His stupidity and battle capabilities vary wildly, from a who's a bit dim, but still an excellent killer, to, completely useless and brain-damaged. (Spy) 'I am not easily impressed, and yet you have impressed me!'

. /: They're Mercenaries.: Several of the RED team mercenaries are appalled by Pyro's methods, referring to as a 'thing' and a 'freak' in 'Meet the Pyro'.

Voices From Below Tf2

Voices From Below Tf2 Spell

However, they see no problem with killing their opponents in other violent, painful ways using bats, heavy artillery, bonesaws, etc.: There are a number of all-class weapons (as well as some class-specific weapons) that one might not consider a weapon. Many are promotional items, like a, and even.: Interestingly, while their sanity (or lack of) isn't questioned, they have been described as 'mostly having below-average IQ's' by Miss Pauling, and as 'idiots' by Helen the Administrator, though each of them later displayed smarts ranging from to level, probably factoring in the 'emotional stability' part of IQ amongst others. A later comic shows why she holds them all in such disdain: She believes them to be just like the lead poisoned idiots of Teufort, while Miss Pauling has secretly been providing all of them with bottled water, save Soldier, who didn't bother listening to her warnings.: 'The Teufort Nine' by the citizens of Teufort.: Feeling bad for the people of Teufort for having to live with the mercenaries would be understandable. Until you actually get to know the people of Teufort, that is. /: Just about everyone in the game, but especially Gary Schwartz, the voice of the Heavy and the Demoman.


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While Miss Pauling acts as this whenever she gets involved, it's not really clear who's the leader of the team itself. As the Face of the game, Heavy is portrayed as the one whom the other characters rally around in battle.

However he doesn't really give orders.