Thought Of The Day Anointing

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  1. Thought Of The Day Anointing Of Christ

In that day their burden will be lifted from your shoulders, their yoke from your neck; the yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat.In that day the LORD will end the bondage of his people. He will break the yoke of slavery and lift it from their shoulders.And in that day his burden will depart from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck; and the yoke will be broken because of the fat.”On that day the burden will be lifted from your shoulders, and the yoke from your neck. The yoke will be broken because your neck will be too large.So it will be in that day, that his burden will be removed from your shoulders and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be broken because of fatness.And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.On that day his burden will fall from your shoulders, and his yoke from your neck. The yoke will be broken because your neck will be too large.Then they will no longer rule your nation.

All will go well for you, and your burden will be lifted.When that time comes, I will free you from the power of Assyria, and their yoke will no longer be a burden on your shoulders.' On that day his burden will fall from your shoulders, and his yoke from your neck.

The yoke will be broken because of fatness.At that time, his burden will depart from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck. Indeed, the yoke will be broken, because you've become obese.' At that time the LORD will remove their burden from your shoulders, and their yoke from your neck; the yoke will be taken off because your neck will be too large.It will happen in that day, that his burden will depart from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.At that time their burden will be removed from your shoulders. Their yoke will be removed from your neck. 'I relieved his shoulder of the burden; his hands were freed from the basket.For the yoke of their burden, the bar across their shoulders, and the rod of their oppressor You have shattered as in the day of Midian.I will break Assyria in My land; I will trample him on My mountain.

His yoke will be taken off My people, and his burden removed from their shoulders.' Then He will send rain for the seed that you have sown in the ground, and the food that comes from your land will be rich and plentiful. On that day your cattle will graze in open pastures.Shake off your dust! Rise up and sit on your throne, O Jerusalem. Remove the chains from your neck, O captive Daughter Zion.Why spend money on that which is not bread, and your labor on that which does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of foods.The day will be darkened in Tehaphnehes when I break there the yoke of Egypt and her proud strength comes to an end.

A cloud will cover her, and her daughters will go into captivity.For from you I will now break off his yoke and tear away your shackles.' (27) The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.-The English, as it stands, is scarcely intelligible, but suggests the idea that the 'anointing' was that which marked out the kings and priests of Judah as a consecrated people, and the remembrance of which would lead Jehovah to liberate them from bondage. Most commentators, however, render 'by reason of the fat,' the implied figure being that of a bullock which grows so fat that the yoke will no longer go round his neck, as the symbol of a people waxing strong and asserting its freedom. 'Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked'. 10:20-34 By our afflictions we may learn not to make creatures our confidence.

Those only can with comfort stay upon God, who return to him in truth, not in pretence and profession only. God will justly bring this wasting away on a provoking people, but will graciously set bounds to it. It is against the mind and will of God, that his people, whatever happens, should give way to fear. God's anger against his people is but for a moment; and when that is turned from us, we need not fear the fury of man. The rod with which he corrected his people, shall not only be laid aside, but thrown into the fire. To encourage God's people, the prophet puts them in mind of what God had formerly done against the enemies of his church.

God's people shall be delivered from the Assyrians. Some think it looks to the deliverance of the Jews out of their captivity; and further yet, to the redemption of believers from the tyranny of sin and Satan. And this, because of the anointing; for his people Israel's sake, the believers among them that had received the unction of Divine grace.

And for the sake of the Messiah, the Anointed of God. Here is, ver. 28-34, a prophetical description of Sennacherib's march towards Jerusalem, when he threatened to destroy that city. Then the Lord, in whom Hezekiah trusted, cut down his army like the hewing of a forest. Let us apply what is here written, to like matters in other ages of the church of Christ.

Because of the anointing of our great Redeemer, the yoke of every antichrist must be broken from off his church: and if our souls partake of the unction of the Holy Spirit, complete and eternal deliverances will be secured to us.

This week Christians all around the world are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus died, went into Hades, disarmed principalities and powers, made a public spectacle of them and triumphed over them. Then he was resurrected by the Father on the third day.Before Jesus died, He told his disciples no one would take his life but He has the power to lay it down, and take it again. He also said,“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12)Jesus also said (John 16) He had to leave the earth so the Holy Spirit would come.

The Holy Spirit now lives inside of you and the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in you and gives life to your mortal body.There are many of you who have grown discouraged because of situations in your lives. Some of you have not experienced any spiritual growth or changes in your life for some time now because you have let go of your dreams. Your zeal is gone and you have abandoned the word of God. You are no longer hearing the voice of The Holy Spirit because you have become lax and are no longer pressing in. Jesus wants to resurrect those dreams once again.The Lord says,“I am the resurrection and the life. I am the God that raises the dead and restores lost dreams. Allow Me to resurrect those dreams that have died and revive you once again.

I am your deliverer, your restorer, your healer, your provider, and I will supply all your needs as you spend time with Me. Allow Me to remove the blinders from your spiritual eyes so you could see again. Allow Me to remove obstructions from your spiritual ears so that you will hear again. Allow Me to infuse you with new insight.Don’t entertain thoughts of defeat any longer, but come to Me with expectancy. Allow Me to fill every barren area of your life, and listen for My still small voice to bring resurrection to those dead areas.

Allow Me to restore the joy that you once had in your relationship with Me. Don’t allow circumstances to keep you from who you were called to be, and don’t allow people to hinder your relationship with Me. Don’t allow anything to compromise the Covenant that I have made with you.I have made everything available that you need to succeed in your personal life as well as your spiritual life.

As you spend time with Me, you will discover how to hear My voice. As you connect with Me once again, your life will have new meaning and you will be inspired with new vision.Never settle for anything less than the plans that I have for you. Don’t allow burdens to weigh you down because My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Don’t be afraid to trust Me with your whole heart because as you hunger for more, your desires will be met. Stir yourself up and don’t allow the pressures of the world to weigh you down or pull you back. Don’t limit Me, as there are no limits with what I can do with your life.As you redirect your thought life to the truth of My word, you will receive clarity of mind.

Don’t allow anything to annihilate your zeal for Me. Recent Comments:. Robson on My belief is theyre bottoming btc for the NYC attack to maximize, just like stock market peaking. For NYC attack they had ads for actors, crisis actors to help enrage the public. They planned this war. Anne Chivers on I thought this was an interesting article news report.just watched/listened. SonuvaKapenta on Lol Marcio!

I thought long and hard about that name. Just hoping the wife will let me keep it. God bless. Marcio Ferez Jr. On Lolu, you are cracking me up.:) My first impression was that Sonuva was female, until I figured what you mean as Son-uv-a-Kapenta. God bless you, brother!. on Thanks for the update.

On Sunday, I saw a chart showing COB had moved up steep then it dropped steep. Then it bounced back up steep, but not as high as the first top, then it dropped steep to the same. Marcio Ferez Jr. On It is possible that the part where Jessica tried multiple times to take a picture of the $13,000 antlers means that 13k BTC will be crossed several times maybe in a new wedge formation. 'Every time we.

william on There is a problem with 2FA. If the time clock on your phone is not sync ( or match ) with platform' s time clock, there should have a problem, such as can't log in. Phanuel on Brief crypto update (to Caution post). Looks like BTC could top around $15000. I think the $750 billion market cap is in play. I attached an image with an Elliot wave numbering (could change). Looking.

william on I don't have any problem with cobinhood. You can try to disable the 2FA for some time. Trade it without 2FA. Then put on the 2FA again. Thomas on I have been on COB for over a year and only ever had a minor problem in the beginning stages as they were growing and developing. I never had any issues with support team and they were always quick to. Marcio Ferez Jr.

On However, Jopo's dream (posted on Dec. 6, 2018) could still happen on this run: 'I did have a dream about 2 weeks ago of seeing BTC pump green from 5kish to 18k fast!' Robson on I noticed the huge cobinhood drop, logged in and as soon as I clicked the sell button for COB, I was booted out and 2fa stopped working. I was locked out. This and the CONSTANT 2fa problems during pea.

Thought of the day anointing images

Marcio Ferez Jr. On As BTC was going over 13k, I remembered Jessica's dream of antlers for sale at $13,000, when BTC was around 8k in April of 2018, and then BTC starts to crash now: 'Dream 4/13/18 The first part of th. Marcio Ferez Jr.

On Dockster, my guess is that it would produce another key sequence. After rescanning and making sure the new 2FA works to log in, then you delete the old 2FA code from the phone. Kasey Streichert Burt on We all miss you James!

Glad the book is going well!!. Kasey Streichert Burt on M.S.

Don't ever give up!. Cunny Fred on Lets wait and see.

FAZ has been slowly creeping up since Monday. Phanuel on STOCK MARKET UPDATE (CAUTION) I have been really busy, but had to make this post. If the market doesn't drop significantly today or tomorrow before the close (June 27), I would consider getting out of. Renee on Writing a quality book is harder than people think. I am actually going to do a 3rd revision this summer. Dockster on Thank you, Marcio.I wondered if disabling the 2FA and repeating the process would produce another key sequence.

I will get it taken care of today. Thanks, again. on I am in Florida right now for this reason. I am on the quest to have intimacy with the holy spirit. Thank you for that story. Kasey Streichert Burt on Kasey Streichert Burt on Blessings to you Carla. Kasey Streichert Burt on Complete and utter humility and devotion to the Holy Spirit, he will come for nothing less.

When we fully trust Him and understand the love that is so important to Him, I think the courage to be obedi. Phil - Sydney on Thanks John That's my belief. I expect we will be in tribulation for 3.5 years, but if worthy (true Christians) will be raptured before the great tribulation starts and God's wrath is really unleashe. SonuvaKapenta on Thanks John, i think you got your answer from the Holy Spirit. I also totally agree with you as I don't think the Holy Spirit walks away from the chaos that'll ensue, He will just work differently. We.

John Barry on Sister Lolu, take this for what it is worth. I asked HOLY SPIRIT Tues. Eve at 6 PM, if Ken Peters heard correctly LORD, have a comment come into my email from Z3 before midnight. I was not expect. Carla B on Thank you Jesus!

That’s so amazing ❤️. Marcio Ferez Jr. On Hey Dockster, you definitely need the key in case your phone gets lost or damaged. You need to log back in and cancel or disable the authenticator 2FA.

Then, bring up again the QR code. If it gives yo.

Kasey Streichert Burt on 24/7 with all of my heart. Sarah on:) And greatly to be praised. Dockster on Yes. I took your advice and downloaded the Authenticator. However, I realized just today that during the 90 minute process of downloading due to creating new emails and such, I forgot to write down th. Kasey Streichert Burt on Sarah: isn’t God just so amazing?!.

Sarah on Thanks for that beautiful post. Kasey Streichert Burt on May God bless you abundantly. Marcio Ferez Jr.

On Thanks Kasey for the post. Keep on building up and encouraging the Z3 community. God bless!. SonuvaKapenta on Hi John, thanks for clarifying. It certainly makes more sense that turmoil begins in 3 years than Jesus Himself coming. I'm also expecting things to go downhill quickly once they kick off. About the H.

SonuvaKapenta on Glory to God! The fruit of obedience can be mind blowing. I understand why the fear of what if nothing happens sometimes stops we children of God from 100% obedience. Personally, I have been. Kasey Streichert Burt on Sujit Thomas on I believe it was Proverbs 16:9 in my case. A man's heart plans his course, but Yahweh directs his steps. I chanced upon Z3 when I first began walking closely with the Lord in late 2015.

John Barry on Hi Lolu, the first time I listened to it last week, I thought Ken Peters said JESUS would be back in three years, but I have listened 6 times to it now. He says the whole world ill be in turmoil i. on Yes, I hope to publish new podcasts in the future. The book is very close to being done. It has taken way longer than I expected, but not for lack of effort.

Marcio Ferez Jr. On Hello, Christopher.

I was able to pin down a likely source, at least part of it, of a 7 times gain in your dollars prior to BTC at $400. It could happen after RDD hits $0.0089. On April 7, 2019, you w. william on Dockster, Have you fixed the login problem with cobinhood?.

SonuvaKapenta on Hi John, i've gone through the video and quite agree with most of what is said. However, i'm a bit concerned about something and i'd like if you can clarify. Ken Peters said Jesus would be back in 3 y.

Marcio Ferez Jr. On Mark, I don't remember exactly, but I think since I used to listen to Trunews when their podcasts were concise to under 1 hour long, I may have heard about James and Z3news then like yourself. Edouard on I first came to this website after watching Christopher Harris’s videos on youtube. Colton on My mom actually told me about it (Kim N) she comments here:) she has prophetic dreams.

John L on Hello James, Will you release any podcasts in the future? Also how is the book. God Bless. Lee Wei Liang on Hi z3. I was praying for crypto related dreams and visions afew days ago and Yesterday I had a short vision in which I saw a Black laptop bag and in my spirit I dercern it to be: Black LapTop Carrier. Robson on My belief is theyre bottoming btc for the NYC attack to maximize, just like stock market peaking.

For NYC attack they had ads for actors, crisis actors to help enrage the public. They planned this war. Anne Chivers on I thought this was an interesting article news report.just watched/listened. SonuvaKapenta on Lol Marcio! I thought long and hard about that name. Just hoping the wife will let me keep it. God bless.

Marcio Ferez Jr. On Lolu, you are cracking me up.:) My first impression was that Sonuva was female, until I figured what you mean as Son-uv-a-Kapenta. God bless you, brother!. on Thanks for the update. On Sunday, I saw a chart showing COB had moved up steep then it dropped steep.

Then it bounced back up steep, but not as high as the first top, then it dropped steep to the same. Marcio Ferez Jr. On It is possible that the part where Jessica tried multiple times to take a picture of the $13,000 antlers means that 13k BTC will be crossed several times maybe in a new wedge formation. 'Every time we.

william on There is a problem with 2FA. If the time clock on your phone is not sync ( or match ) with platform' s time clock, there should have a problem, such as can't log in.

Phanuel on Brief crypto update (to Caution post). Looks like BTC could top around $15000. I think the $750 billion market cap is in play. I attached an image with an Elliot wave numbering (could change). Looking. william on I don't have any problem with cobinhood.

You can try to disable the 2FA for some time. Trade it without 2FA. Then put on the 2FA again.

Thomas on I have been on COB for over a year and only ever had a minor problem in the beginning stages as they were growing and developing. I never had any issues with support team and they were always quick to. Marcio Ferez Jr. On However, Jopo's dream (posted on Dec. 6, 2018) could still happen on this run: 'I did have a dream about 2 weeks ago of seeing BTC pump green from 5kish to 18k fast!' Robson on I noticed the huge cobinhood drop, logged in and as soon as I clicked the sell button for COB, I was booted out and 2fa stopped working. I was locked out.

Thought Of The Day Anointing Of Christ

This and the CONSTANT 2fa problems during pea. Marcio Ferez Jr. On As BTC was going over 13k, I remembered Jessica's dream of antlers for sale at $13,000, when BTC was around 8k in April of 2018, and then BTC starts to crash now: 'Dream 4/13/18 The first part of th. Marcio Ferez Jr.

On Dockster, my guess is that it would produce another key sequence. After rescanning and making sure the new 2FA works to log in, then you delete the old 2FA code from the phone. Kasey Streichert Burt on We all miss you James! Glad the book is going well!!. Kasey Streichert Burt on M.S. Don't ever give up!.

Cunny Fred on Lets wait and see. FAZ has been slowly creeping up since Monday.

Phanuel on STOCK MARKET UPDATE (CAUTION) I have been really busy, but had to make this post. If the market doesn't drop significantly today or tomorrow before the close (June 27), I would consider getting out of. Renee on Writing a quality book is harder than people think.

I am actually going to do a 3rd revision this summer. Dockster on Thank you, Marcio.I wondered if disabling the 2FA and repeating the process would produce another key sequence. I will get it taken care of today. Thanks, again.

on I am in Florida right now for this reason. I am on the quest to have intimacy with the holy spirit. Thank you for that story. Kasey Streichert Burt on Kasey Streichert Burt on Blessings to you Carla. Kasey Streichert Burt on Complete and utter humility and devotion to the Holy Spirit, he will come for nothing less.

When we fully trust Him and understand the love that is so important to Him, I think the courage to be obedi. Phil - Sydney on Thanks John That's my belief. I expect we will be in tribulation for 3.5 years, but if worthy (true Christians) will be raptured before the great tribulation starts and God's wrath is really unleashe. SonuvaKapenta on Thanks John, i think you got your answer from the Holy Spirit. I also totally agree with you as I don't think the Holy Spirit walks away from the chaos that'll ensue, He will just work differently. We. John Barry on Sister Lolu, take this for what it is worth.

I asked HOLY SPIRIT Tues. Eve at 6 PM, if Ken Peters heard correctly LORD, have a comment come into my email from Z3 before midnight.

I was not expect. Carla B on Thank you Jesus! That’s so amazing ❤️. Marcio Ferez Jr. On Hey Dockster, you definitely need the key in case your phone gets lost or damaged. You need to log back in and cancel or disable the authenticator 2FA. Then, bring up again the QR code.

If it gives yo. Kasey Streichert Burt on 24/7 with all of my heart. Sarah on:) And greatly to be praised. Dockster on Yes. I took your advice and downloaded the Authenticator.


However, I realized just today that during the 90 minute process of downloading due to creating new emails and such, I forgot to write down th. Kasey Streichert Burt on Sarah: isn’t God just so amazing?!. Sarah on Thanks for that beautiful post. Kasey Streichert Burt on May God bless you abundantly. Marcio Ferez Jr. On Thanks Kasey for the post.

Keep on building up and encouraging the Z3 community. God bless!. SonuvaKapenta on Hi John, thanks for clarifying. It certainly makes more sense that turmoil begins in 3 years than Jesus Himself coming. I'm also expecting things to go downhill quickly once they kick off. About the H. SonuvaKapenta on Glory to God!

The fruit of obedience can be mind blowing. I understand why the fear of what if nothing happens sometimes stops we children of God from 100% obedience. Personally, I have been. Kasey Streichert Burt on Sujit Thomas on I believe it was Proverbs 16:9 in my case. A man's heart plans his course, but Yahweh directs his steps. I chanced upon Z3 when I first began walking closely with the Lord in late 2015.

John Barry on Hi Lolu, the first time I listened to it last week, I thought Ken Peters said JESUS would be back in three years, but I have listened 6 times to it now. He says the whole world ill be in turmoil i. on Yes, I hope to publish new podcasts in the future. The book is very close to being done. It has taken way longer than I expected, but not for lack of effort.

Marcio Ferez Jr. On Hello, Christopher. I was able to pin down a likely source, at least part of it, of a 7 times gain in your dollars prior to BTC at $400. It could happen after RDD hits $0.0089. On April 7, 2019, you w. william on Dockster, Have you fixed the login problem with cobinhood?. SonuvaKapenta on Hi John, i've gone through the video and quite agree with most of what is said.

However, i'm a bit concerned about something and i'd like if you can clarify. Ken Peters said Jesus would be back in 3 y. Marcio Ferez Jr. On Mark, I don't remember exactly, but I think since I used to listen to Trunews when their podcasts were concise to under 1 hour long, I may have heard about James and Z3news then like yourself. Edouard on I first came to this website after watching Christopher Harris’s videos on youtube. Colton on My mom actually told me about it (Kim N) she comments here:) she has prophetic dreams. John L on Hello James, Will you release any podcasts in the future?

Also how is the book. God Bless. Lee Wei Liang on Hi z3. I was praying for crypto related dreams and visions afew days ago and Yesterday I had a short vision in which I saw a Black laptop bag and in my spirit I dercern it to be: Black LapTop Carrier.