The Battle Of Crait

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. victory. The escapes with heavy casualties. Death ofCombatants. First Order. Resistance.Commanders. General.

General.Strength. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. 11. 2. 2. 1.

1. †. †. 2.

Luke Skywalker (projection)†. 1. 1. Many, including:., including:. †. †., including:.

13. 6 †. 7 †Casualties All TIE fighters. Nearly all Resistance troopers. All artillery emplacements. At least 10 V-4X-D Ski speeders destroyed. Several Resistance pilots, including:.

Pamich Nerro Goode. Nodin Chavdri. Luke Skywalker. ' The rebellion is reborn today.

The war is just beginning, and I will not be the last Jedi.' ―Luke SkywalkerThe Battle of Crait, also known as the siege of Crait, was a major battle fought in during the between the and the.

Shortly after the Resistance's at, the Battle of was the result of the First Order's, which had decimated the. Unable to escape the, the Resistance, led by, fled to a former on the -covered Crait, hoping to go unnoticed. However, the First Order became aware of the Resistance's plan and deployed their to the planet's surface.Led by the newly self-appointed and, the First Order deployed a, planning to break through the massive door which protected the outpost. The Resistance, limited in numbers, had planned to hold out in the base until more allies arrived, but in response to the First Order, the remaining Resistance utilized to attack the weapon.

The Resistance faced many losses against the of the First Order, but when the arrived to help the Resistance, Ren redirected the TIE to pursue the. Although the Resistance ski were no longer targeted by the TIE fighters, their efforts were unsuccessful, and the siege cannon fired upon the outpost.With the base vulnerable and no reinforcements responding to their call, the Resistance lost hope, until Organa's brother, appeared before them as a through. Buying for the Resistance to escape, Skywalker exited the outpost to face Ren in a. As Skywalker confronted Ren, led the Resistance through the of Crait, hoping to find a natural exit. When Ren realized he was fighting Skywalker's projection, the apparition disappeared, and Ren led his into the base.

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The First Order stormed the outpost, but with Skywalker having distracted the First Order for an ample amount of time, the Resistance survivors escaped with and aboard the Millennium Falcon, inspiring rebellion across. ' They're coming, shut the door.' ―Leia OrganaThe remaining members of the Resistance landed and reactivated the old Rebel base., and later crash-landed at the base in a after escaping the damaged First Order, initially being shot at by the in the confusion.

General called upon their allies across the for reinforcements as the group prepared the base's defenses, including several. Meanwhile, the First Order—now under the command of —deployed their own forces, landing eleven, two, one, several and, and a towed by a pair of to break through the base's massive door. The were deployed in a and the forces mobilized. The battle begins. ' All right, listen up. I don't like these rust buckets and I don't like our odds, but.just keep it tight and don't get drawn in too close till they roll that cannon out front.'

―Captain Poe Dameron, to 'Reb' SquadronThe Resistance ski speeders begin their attack.The Resistance launched all of their remaining forces, firing heavy and dispatching thirteen of the old V-4X-D ski to knock out the, led by Captain. The First Order walkers and returned fire and the battle began. The Resistance suffered heavy losses from the combined ground and air assaults. The, by and, arrived unexpectedly and attacked the TIE fighters, drawing them away from the battlefield and ultimately destroying all of them.

' We fought until the end but the galaxy has lost all its hope. The spark is out.' ―General Organa losing hope.As the battering ram prepared to fire, Dameron ordered all speeders to fall back as it would be a run. Finn, however, disobeyed and piloted his speeder directly towards the barrel of the cannon. Unwilling to let Finn die, Tico crashed her speeder into his, saving Finn's life but badly injuring herself. With the Resistance's effort nearly silenced, the First Order's cannon opened fire at the base, punching easily through the main doors.

Supreme Leader Ren then ordered General Hux to advance and to give no quarter to his enemies or take any prisoners. As began approaching the breach, the Resistance realized that all of the messages sent to their allies had been received, but none had responded. Greatly saddened, Organa gave up all hope and said the spark was out. In a last-ditch effort, the Resistance began preparing for a final stand. Skywalker's intervention and escape. ' Did you come back to say you forgive me?

To save my soul?' ―Kylo Ren and Luke SkywalkerLuke Skywalker confronts Kylo Ren.As the Resistance contemplated their next move, unexpectedly appeared to the group and resolved to go out to face the First Order on his own as a distraction. As Skywalker emerged from the base, Ren ordered all of the walkers to open fire on Skywalker in a futile attempt to destroy him. However, the miraculously emerged unscathed, and Ren felt the need to go down to the surface and face his old master himself, despite Hux's advice to the contrary.

In a brief confrontation, Skywalker dodged Ren's lightsaber attacks. When Skywalker allowed Ren to land a blow, and the blade passed through his body without harming him, Ren realized that he was actually fighting a of the Jedi, who was still on. Skywalker's projection vanished, leaving Ren furious.Meanwhile, Dameron and noticed that the, creatures which resided in the, had gone, leaving through a natural exit. Following a remaining vulptex, Dameron led the surviving Resistance members in search of the exit. With the bought by Skywalker's distraction, the Resistance found the end of the base's cave system, but saw that a rockslide had blocked the exit to the outside. From the other side of the blockage, Rey used to lift the rocks and cleared a path for the surviving Resistance fighters to escape to the Falcon, living to fight another.

' How do we build a rebellion from this?' ' We have everything we need.' ―Rey and Leia OrganaJedi Master Luke Skywalker becomes one with the ForceThe Battle of Crait was a victory for the First Order; the main force of the Resistance was reduced to barely over a dozen personnel aboard only a single vessel. However, the First Order failed in its main objective of completely destroying the Resistance, as some of its members—including General Organa—escaped the battle to continue their struggle. Ren also failed to destroy the Jedi Order by murdering Skywalker, who had been projecting his image across the galaxy.After the battle, Skywalker, having heavily exerted himself in the effort to buy time for the Resistance, became one with the Force. His passing was felt by Rey and Organa, who noted that he was content and at peace.


Rey worried that the Resistance was all but destroyed, but Organa reassured her, saying they had everything they needed to rebuild. The survivors on the Falcon. ' If there’s one thing I’m beginning to learn, Poe, it’s that you can’t dwell on changing the past. Concentrate on the present, work with what you have.' ―Rey to Poe Dameron reflecting on recent eventsThe Millennium Falcon after escaping CraitIn the rare moment of peace after the battle, Poe Dameron, Rey, and Finn all sat together on the Millennium Falcon, and reflected on recent events. Open software updater removal tool. Dameron stated that he wished recent events had gone differently, due to the losses the Resistance had suffered, but Rey stated that she was beginning to learn that one cannot dwell on changing the past.

The Battle Of Crait

In an effort to provide a nice distraction from recent events, Dameron decided to tell Rey and Finn how he managed to get off after he and Finn had, as he had yet to tell Finn. He began by telling Rey and Finn how Leia assigned him the mission to go to Jakku, and continued from there.

He discussed his on the planet, and then his and Finn's escape. He then went over how he got off planet with help from a named, and Rey then noted he did get lucky, as Naka was among the nicer scavengers on the planet. Naka dropped Dameron off at, where a friend of Naka's, named, lived.

Gos had a ship, and Poe would be allowed to use it to get back to. Dameron did briefly stop by to look for, as he believed his droid could be there, but saw that BB-8 wasn't. After returning to D'Qar, Dameron explained his situation to Leia, but she revealed that they had learned BB-8 was on.Poe Dameron, Rey, Finn, and BB-8 on the Millennium FalconDameron then reflected on the with Rey and Finn, and at the same time Leia entered. Leia had been reflecting on her, and had been co-pilot on the Falcon with Chewbacca, but she had allowed to take over that role. Leia briefly talked with Rey, Finn, and Dameron about, and she went to rest afterwards. Finn went to check on how Rose Tico was doing, and Dameron was introduced to the by Rey.

Dameron then stated his one regret about the Battle of Takodana was that they hadn't arrived sooner because he believed if they had the Resistance would have been able to save. Rey asked how was, and Dameron assured her that she was fine, as they had spoken to her earlier. Rey realized that she had missed a lot, as by the time Resistance troops has landed on Takodana she had been captured by Kylo Ren.

As Dameron had also been captured and tortured by Ren, he coined the nickname 'torture buddies' for him and Rey which she accepted.Dameron then went over the recon mission to Starkiller Base, telling Rey that recon pilots—, and —had created a mission plan. The trio has created a plan using a, which was a ship that couldn't be detected by the First Order due to it's lack of an, for recon. The ship was attached to a, and it was dropped nearby, so that it could be used to collect intel and find a weakness. The First Order were able to track it somehow though, and this is what revealed the location of the Resistance base to them.At this time and BB-8 were also reflecting on recent events, and BB-8 told R2 about the Battle of Starkiller Base, and the losses the Resistance had.

C-3PO briefly spoke with the two, and then went to speak with Rey. Due to 3PO's extensive knowledge of various languages, Rey asked the to help her translate the. 3PO began to translate the texts, but he noted that he could only give a rough translation as the ' wording was ancient.


Finn was currently making sure Rose Tico was safe, and Dameron went to talk to his friend.Eventually, the of the Millennium Falcon was deactivated and the Falcon landed on 's, where they got involved in one of the endeavors of the. The tale of SkywalkerThe tale of Skywalker's stand against the First Order quickly spread across the galaxy, inspiring many to support the Resistance and stand against the First Order. Before his death, Skywalker also acknowledged Rey's position as the last Jedi, giving birth to another new hope for both the Jedi and the galaxy. In fact, Skywalker was seemingly more correct than he knew, as there were other young throughout the galaxy as well. Behind the scenesThe first footage of the battle was shown in the Star Wars: The Last Jedi theatrical trailer on,. The battle of Crait made its first appearance in as a a free downloadable level available on, 2017.

The battle made its first formal appearance on, 2017 as the climax sequence of.

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