Grand Prix 4 Download Completo Ita

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Featured Link - 2018 Mod (Beta) by GP4 Central What's new at GP4 Central? Hotlaps Round 4 Starts Today26-Apr-19 by TomMK. Thanks to ToJepo for the excellent version of the track. Hotlaps Round 2 Complete9-Apr-19 by TomMKThe second round of our hotlap competition has finished, the results are posted on the.Thanks very much to everyone who is participating! We will continue to follow the real F1 season to Shanghai next, round 3 starts on Friday.

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Please look out for a new version of the CSM Mod before we start. Harder than you think games. Grand Prix 4 with Tweaker31-Mar-19 by TomMKI've created a new version of GP4 with both GPxPatch and GP4 Tweaker pre-installed. This should be a great base for modders to work from without the hassle of patching a new GP4 installation every time.You can find it in the section.

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Feedback is most welcome, thanks! Round 2 at Bahrain29-Mar-19 by TomMKRound 2 starts today at Sakhir, Bahrain. Thanks to F1 Virtual again for the track.Join in by visiting. Hotlap Competition Season Opener12-Mar-19 by TomMKPre-Season Testing is now finished - thanks to those who participated and helped get the mod ready for the start of the season!The first event starts this Friday 15-Mar at Melbourne. Make sure you join us by visiting.See you at Melbourne! Hotlap Competition15-Feb-19 by TomMKIt's been away for a while, but the GP4 Central hotlapping competition is back today.The competition is a casual, offline hotlapping series open to all GP4 players. It's super easy to participate, so head over to and join us!See the full announcement at.

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Info page restored8-Feb-19 by TomMKThere's not much info on it yet, but I've started to restore the. It's intended to provide the essential information for new users to get up and running, so if there's anything you think would be useful please! New Build of 2018 Mod1-Feb-19 by TomMKAn updated 2018 mod beta is ready. This build has Magic Data for most tracks and an updated performance file. Find it in the area. New Mod25-Jan-19 by TomMKI've started work on the latest season mod - check out the beta version of the 2018 CSM Mod by GP4 Central in the area. Site online4-Jan-19 by TomMKGP4 Central is online again.You may - or may not - have noticed that GP4 Central has been away for a little over a year, due to some (very positive) developments in personal life that left no time for gaming.

The website's hosting expired, I wasn't paying attention, and with it went the site.The intention for this site at the outset was a hub for all the great content being produced for our beloved sim. But that proved impossible (for me) for a couple of reasons; firstly the sheer amount of time it takes to administer the vast (and still growing) collection of content, and secondly the realisation that it is actually not in the best interests of some of our content creators (who ARE the game, and therefore should be respected).So with the relaunch comes a new goal - a home for my few mods built using the community's excellent content, to allow those who just want to get on and play GP4 to do so as easily as possible.' GP4 Central' then, may no longer be the right name. But for continuity, it will remain. Plus the domain name is paid for.

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