Crossfire Paintball Hydro Testing

Posted by admin

Flair: Style of play LocationFor all things paintball. BE FRIENDLY. Paintball is a growing sport, and we don't want to scare people away. If a submission doesn't belong here, or is somehow harming our community, message the mods.

Don't downvote because you disagree, or because your gear is better, or because their gear isn't your favorite color. The downvote button is reserved for things that are toxic, or don't add to the discussion. Please remember this. No B/S/T.(community moderated)(community moderated). Basically if you have a crossfire tank with DOT permit SP14339 on it, that tank is currently illegal to use or transport (when pressurized) outside of your own private property.Crossfire tanks were resold under a large number of brands until about 2013.

Ninja being one of the affected companies. Ninja apparently stopped buying crossfire tanks in 2012.Crossfire can re-up their permit and all the tanks become usable again, but it hasn't happened yet.edit: i failed at linking to the pbnation thread with more info:. I suppose I can jump in on this again.We are currently working with the PHMSA to get Party Status on the Special Permit.At this time filing party status means we can use/fill and hydro SP14339 tanks here in house.

Crossfire Paintball Hydro Testing Michigan

Crossfire Paintball Hydro Testing

Unfortunately it covers just that, In house use. This is an unusual situation for the PHMSA as there are tens of thousands of these bottles out there (yes we have around one thousand of them with our branding) We have submitted the application for Party Status so he may bring it to his superiors to see if instead of just our facility being covered they could change the interpretation and have it be a full USE status so all fields/ stores could fill and use these bottles.I do have High hopes this will be resolved pretty quickly here now that we have finally been able to submit something and hopefully have the interpretation changed. RESPONSE FROM THE DOT: Attachments12:09 PM (11 hours ago)Regarding special permit cylinders that were manufactured under the terms of a special permit which has since expired, transportation in commerce is no longer authorized. The filling of these cylinders would be considered a pre-transportation function, and thus regulated, so typically this would not be authorized. I have attached a letter of interpretation that examines the applicability of the HMR to a self-service filling station (Ref.

Paintball Air Tank Hydro Testing

This letter indicates that a private individual who is refilling a personal cylinder is not necessarily subject to the HMR. However, if the self-service filling station is used in conjunction with a business it is subject to the HMR. Cylinders marked DOT-SP 14339 are not authorized for continued use after expiration. Users of cylinders manufactured under a special permit that has expired may apply for party status to the special permit. Historically, the special permit in question has been a single holder, but due to the present circumstances we do have the ability to modify the special permit to allow party status. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Regards, Andrew Eckenrode Transportation Specialist General Approvals and Permits, PHH-31 Office of Hazardous Materials Safety Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration U.S.

Ninja Paintball Tank Hydro Date

Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, East Building, Room E23-439 Washington, DC, 20590 Telephone: 202-366-5869 Email: Website: